Monday 3 September 2012

pieces。|| make the most out of your days。aug.秋. 2012 ||

Waking up every morning, I like to picture what I can do to make the most out of my day. Sometimes I could be a control freak, who plan the day step by step. But most of time, I make it spontaneously, unexpectedly, to be out of the box but still totally enjoy every bit of it.

早上起來, 我總是喜歡思考怎樣能充實的過這一天。有時候我是個控制狂, 會列好清單一件事一件事的去完成。但很多時候我還是喜歡順其自然, 沒有期待的迎接這一天, 認真做好每件事, 享受每一個小細節。

Especially, when you get lost in life, it can be very frustrated. Suddenly, you can't find your target/ aim in life, even though you work really hard, but feel trapped, and people around you are having so many different opinions of the path you could take. However, There are no right path for life. Sometimes you just need to be spontaneous, to be lost and get the aim/ target of life back. With firm feeling and believing what you really want in life.

尤其是當你在人生裡很徬徨的迷了路, 忽然沒有了目標; 就算你每天再辛苦的工作但被困住的感覺越來越重, 身邊的人提供了各式各樣的建議覺得你應該怎麼怎麼做。人生裡美一條路都沒有對錯, 有的時候反而讓自己迷失一下才能更清楚的去感受, 去找回真正渴望的人生目標。

Something I did spontaneously this month:  Swimming in a quite evening/ Buying a book out of a vintage store/ Going to a nice small gig/ Dancing in local club/ Taking photos with total strangers on the mid-night street.

八月, 我也讓自己很隨興的做了幾件事:在晚上9點安靜的泳池裡游泳/ 在復古雜貨店裡買了本臺灣作家的書/ 看了場小型演唱會/ 不在預料中卻很盡興的兩次跳舞/ 大半夜在馬路上和陌生人的合照。

Well, darling, no one says life is easy, so why not try to face it with a little sparkle and a pleasant attitude.

恩, 人生是真的不簡單, 所以更要用愉悅/ 隨遇而安的態度, 加上一點點隨興又不傷大雅的小火花去面對它。



images via eileen's instagram
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