Thursday 26 June 2014

there。|| 1/2 Eternity 浪漫白襯衫情節 ||

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如果你有我的facebook, instagram, wechat, 不難看出上週整週都是關於這些美麗的白襯衫。Yilei Wu, 1/2 Eternity的設計師, 把這衣櫥裡的經典單品精神:幹練/性感/優雅/知性 拿出來用舒適棉布加上荷葉及打褶重新演繹, 讓每個款式都有不同的個性。專注于一件單品上的設計卻涵蓋了女性的各種氣質, 讓每個人都能找到自己獨特的白襯衫。週日的活動是在上海弄堂裡的studio 9舉辦的, 一樓牆面上全是女孩們穿著白襯衫的拍立得, 像是個小型攝影展。 到了三樓後, 滿滿的白襯衫把整個空間裝扮得好夢幻。在迫不及待要試穿的人群裡, 我選了一件荷葉邊滿滿的Roberta (Yilei 都會幫每個款式命名, 就像人一樣有獨特個性的特點), 雖然拿著不像是我的風格(yes...大U領)但卻想看看自己能不能駕馭夢幻小性感風。結果, 出乎意料的超。級。好。看。妹妹Trsta穿上的Ella雖然簡單, 但完全可以襯托出妹妹的氣質。一件經典的衣服最大的魔力, 應該就是要簡單大方但讓穿者自信自在。1/2 Eternity真的就有這樣的魔力。

(最後的大熊是在Yilei的大白屋工作室裡, 可愛溫馨的空間工作起來好幸福呀!)

If you have fellowed my Facebook/Instagram/ Wechat, you can see last week is all about beautiful white shirts. Yilei Wu, the designer of 1/2 Eternity, adding the classic wardrobe item's spirits: Smart/ Sexy/ Elegant/ Delicate into every white shirts with different personality by using comfortable cotton and beautiful raffle and pleats. Focusing on one item but infusing different woman's characters into it, in order to make sure every woman can find their own white shirt that could presenting her unique identity. The event that was hold on Sunday,  in a lovely lane house, Studio 9. First floor were filled with pretty girls dressing white shirts in Polaroid, just like a small photography exhibition. On the third floor the whole space was filled with those lovely white shirts, very romantic in deed! In the crowd of girls who want to try on those beauties, I pull out this one called Roberta (Yilei named all the design by girls name, to add more personality to them) its not like my usual style, its sexy (with big U neckline) and romantic, but when I put it on, it was PERFECT! like it's belong to my wardrobe. The one my sister Trista tried on was Ella, was very cute and fit her character perfectly. I must say, a classic item has its magic that can bring you confident and comfort at the same time. 1/2 Eternity is definitely has this special magic.

(The last images with big white bear was in Yilei's Big White House Studio, working in there must be so cozy and full of happiness! )


--->想要買白襯衫可以到 taobao 找到1/2 Eternity。
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Wednesday 18 June 2014

there。||CeliaB-land, 春夏繽紛民俗風派對||

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早在去年就透過同事和上季上海服裝周知道了Celia B這個品牌, 第一次看到這些設計師本人還有作品的反應是:好多花色好多針織放在身上, 這個設計師真是瘋狂的很快樂呀!上週參加了她在靜安別墅裡的工作室舉辦的夏日派對上, 一踏門口就像走進了一個繽紛樂園。Celia Bernardo, 這個品牌的設計師來自西班牙, 一看就是好玩熱情又快樂的人, 有著強大的內心才能在上海做獨立設計師, 還透過她的設計把歡樂帶給女孩兒們。Celia B的品牌特色就是由誇張印花/ 繽紛顏色還有不同質地的材料:拼布/針織/鉤針...等結合而成。這些材料與靈感都是經由長時間的旅行累積出來的文化衝擊設計。再加上摩登現代的版型, 讓Celia B不僅可以單獨穿得很有個性很有視覺衝擊, 也可以很意外地跟妳衣櫥裡簡單的單品搭出你自己的味道。是的, 我一開始也不相信所有人都可以駕馭這些獨一無二的設計, 但看看門口那個氣質出眾的女孩穿著幾乎大家都有的條紋上衣搭配Celia B的印花+螢光透明邊的裙子=好歡樂的一套夏日逛街購物派對裝扮。我後來也看中了一條牛仔拼接印度手工繡花可愛小洋裝, 緊張試穿後, 馬上愛上她。舒適的剪裁好合身!穿上身後感覺自己樂觀開朗童趣的一面在鏡子裡對自己微笑耶。(這句寫完後感覺有點驚悚哈, 但你們知道我的意思的!)

I've known the brand Celia B from my colleagues, who used to work with her and also the show Celia B had for last Shanghai Fashion Week. My first impression was: Woo, this designer knows how to put all these colors and textures all together! She must be a HAPPY person. Last week when I finally met her in person in her lovely showroom for summer gathering event in Jinan Villa, the answer was everywhere. Celia Bernardo, the designer of Celia B is from Spain and definitely a happy cheerful person who create this colorful wonderland to bring joy to people through her smile, her work and the cultural experience around the world. A signature look of Celia B combines Color, Graphic and Texture. Patchwork (those amazing fabric that came from India/Mexico/Turkey...all over the world), knit, crochet are essential and with the twist of modern silhouette, it WOOOs me how it can be such a unique style but also fits in every girl's wardrobe. For example, the girl at the front door wearing simple strip top with Celia's graphic+plastic full skirt, looks so chic and summery comfy. As for me, I did't really see myself in those fancy prints and colors (you guys know, I have more down-to-earth kinda style), until I found this denim mix with stunning embroidery front panel (from India, she told me herself) and super cute silhouette, I immediately want to try it on. When I did, I think its my perfect Celia B piece that revealed the fun/cheerful character of me.



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Friday 6 June 2014

where。||Select18, Shanghai。弄堂裡的英式復古||

在倫敦生活過的人都知道vintage古著的深層意義, 這些舊東西不只是一時興起的潮流, 快時尚的短暫記憶, 而是好多時光與回憶在歷史記憶裡一層一層堆疊上的新故事, 且多半是美好的。歐洲精彩的時裝歷史, 在各處的市集都可以看到其縮影分部在小店或小販中。回到上海後我也曾試著找回在倫敦那股vintage熱忱, 但在這追求新趨勢新品牌新繁榮的快速發展大城市裡, vintage不再隨處可見, 像是美好回憶般要努力回想才能在巷弄間(或指尖中的淘寶裡)才能再次相會。好再上海現在有一群熱衷市集的人們, 把這些美好聚集在一起。

If you ever lived in London (or Europe) you must understand the real meaning of Vintage. Its not a fashion trend, it's clothes' history and lots lots of beautiful memories that piles up and become a "new past" for the owner. It's definitely a live text book of fashion history that appears in the flea market and little boutique all over Europe. I used to crave for my Vintage experience once I was back here, but the speed of new brand, new designers, new everything is all over the city, that makes people have no time to slow down and appreciate the "Old Fabulous Time/Good" However, thanks to the market in the lane and finger magic on Taobao, the sparkle finally came.



上次參加奐鏡central studio的嬉遊春日發現了一家跟我在倫敦Brick Lane逛到的vintage氛圍好像的小店, Select 18。和店家細聊下發現女主人Alex果然來自英國, 而店主則是來自香港的Tom。在香港已經有一家店的Tom (之前有被英國著名博主sussie bubble報導過呦)在較于飽和的香港市場後, 決心和Alex來上海開分店。這家在上海的店位於陝西南路的小弄堂內, 相較于熱鬧的大街上, 弄堂內帶花園小店更有英式小屋的懷舊風味。

Select 18, a lovely vintage boutique I found during a market fair, Spring Fling, in Central Studio. The shop is so British like, makes me feels like I was back in Brick Lane, and not out of my guessing, the owner's partner, Alex,  is from England. Tom, the owner is from Hong Kong, who has the original Select 18 there and decided to open other one in Shanghai. (It has been post on style bubble. super cool ) The shop is in a lovely lane, has a cute front garden, which makes this lane house more like an English Cottage.


店內的陳列完美的結合了上海弄堂與英式復古, 混合出了獨特的“老舊”時尚。上海復古表配上Alex自己設計的“新古著”牌子 alexandra&martina, 沒有年齡限制的vintage風, 從市集裡攤位前滿滿的人潮就能看其吸引力。

The display in the shop is a perfect combination between Shanghai Lane and English Retro, makes its own "Lantro". (Love the world I just create haha). The whole board of old vintage watches, and the renewed vintage style dresses that is designed by Alex (the brand is called alexandra&martina ), broke the boundary of the age. Make the style classic and playful too. You can feel the attraction by the popularity in the market fair, it was a popular stand for sure.


(小店後面就是alex的設計角落, 美麗又愜意的工作室真的好讓人羨慕呀。Cute little studio at the back of the shop for Alex, so pretty and cozy. )



在市集上買下的vintage, 是媽媽的新歡, 一直重複跟我學著vin-ta-ge發音的媽媽本來不喜歡穿“舊”衣服的, 現在也被vintage的魅力感染上了。那個午後, 是這輩子最快樂的時光之一, 也是我跟媽媽的母女vintage美好初體驗!

Mom's very first market experience with me, and immediately she was in love with the charm of the vintage, she is no longer dislike the old-smelly-clothes she used to call, while is learning hard of pronouncing vin-ta-ge. That magical afternoon is definitely one of the most beautiful quality time I have ever spent with mom, ever.



| Select 18 |

上海市陝西南路39弄96號/ No. 96, Lane 39, ShanXi South Rd, Shanghai

香港店:中環蘇豪區必列者士18號地下1樓/ Shop A, G/F, Grandview Garden, 18 Bridges Street, Central, Hong Kong.


這週末如果你在上海, 也可以到DAFF春/夏2014@WEST BOUND, 上海龍騰大道2350號, 參加一年一度的時尚音樂市集。當然也能在這裡找到Select 18, and 我 :)


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