Wednesday 17 July 2013

where。|| A shop filled with passions and dreams--- XINLELU.COM boutique, Shanghai ||


在一個愉快夏日夜晚, 我很幸運被邀請到好朋友的新店XINLELU.COM boutique的開幕派對。這家店位於很有上海特色的陝西北路上, 靠近南京西路商圈。這是她們的第二家店, 而第一家店則比較像是showroom, 加上有一個很有特色的花園很適合舉辦派對跟展覽活動等。我很欣賞他們推廣品牌還有和顧客互動的方式。他們舉辦的活動都帶有各種文藝的氣息, 大家投其所好的也可以在活動裡交到好朋友。就像店裡面所賣的商品都來自不同的文化背景, 但卻都有著一樣的好品味與對設計的熱忱這樣的共同點。

At a beautiful summer night, I was invited to my dear friends shop opening night, XINLELU.COM boutique. It was located in a very sentimentally street in Shanghai Nanjing West Rd area. It's their 2nd store in shanghai, the first one is more like a show room, quite private with nice garden that can hold those lovely exhibitions and parties. I love how they establish their brand and interact with customers. All the event they hold are filled with cultures and stories. Just like the clothes and accessories they sold are from different designers who have different culture background but yet share great tastes and passionate dreams.



陝西北路414號, 靠近北京西路

414 SHANXIBEI Rd (close to BEIJING XI Rd) 


還記得那一晚的派對整個大爆滿, 雖然很熱但玩得很盡興。裡面除了有現場DJ之外, 還有一位美麗的外國插畫家Baiba Ladiga替大家留下美麗的倩影。當然, 一定少不了讓女生心花怒放的可愛杯子蛋糕跟好喝的雞尾酒 (檸檬茶+伏特加, 好喝又清爽)最加分的是讓我們愛不釋手的小鬍子吸管!

The opening party I attended was great fun. Live illustrator, Baiba Ladiga,  and DJ makes the little shop fill with energy. Pretty cup cakes and cute mustache straw cocktail (yummy lemon tea with vodka) drove us girls crazy.

我的好朋友, 包管XINLELU.com品牌市場營銷還有部落格“School of Indie" 的, Yilei Wu(右)

My dear friend and works for as media/marketing and "School of Indie" Blogger , Yilei Wu. (right)

創辦人, Jillian Xin (右)

The founder, Jillian Xin (right)


那晚的dress code是”盛夏色彩“, 所以我跟我妹就穿上鮮艷的色彩還有小短褲~當晚我看到好多像是街拍圖片上的亮眼造型, 尤其是”美背女孩“還有那件好可愛的夏日水果襯衫。

The theme for the night was "summer colors", so me and my sister went bold colours with shorts. There were also lots of people dress up very cool and stylish. Especially the sexy back girl and the cute fruit shirt!

Here comes the photographer of the night, Recheal ! Thanks for the photos babe.

這復古的女孩是那晚的攝影師, 辛苦你了Recheal !還要感謝你提供的照片~



對我來說這不僅僅是個好玩的派對, 對於他們所營造的氣氛也讓我十分感動。感動他們為了完成夢想所花費的心血與精力, 更重要的是把夢想腳踏實的的去付諸行動。除此之外, 這家店也成了其它擁有共同夢想的朋友們一個很大的動力與鼓勵, 就像是告訴我們:只要你相信你能做到, 整個世界都會幫你達成目標!

I wasn't only had a great night with dear friends, but also felt encouraged by the things they have done. Wondering in the shop makes me appreciate every bit of work and effort they have put into this dream, and made it come true. Not only that but also bring people who share the same passions together, encourage us dreamers step out. I must say, it's not just a shop, it's a great inspiration telling you: If you believe you can make it work, the whole world will help you.

ps. 是的, 我把頭髮剪掉了~就是想用幹練的短髮來迎接人生的新目標!yes, I cut my hair short, so I can be/ look slightly tougher to face my new challenges!


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Saturday 13 July 2013

there。|| the legends in Shanghai ||



洛克·外灘 中實大樓, 虎丘路14号, 上海



Haven't really been to a big exhibition like this in Shanghai for a while. I was a bit overwhelmed  when I first step in the building, the kind of building that you want to check up the history it belongs to, I felt a breeze of elegant with the black and white photos. Especially the one with Elle Fanning. She looks so innocently beautiful, I was standing in front of it and staring the beautiness s for quite a while.

這一兩年在上海一直都沒有機會去看這種大型展覽, 所以這次來看香奈兒的攝影展時心裡就很感慨也很興奮。尤其是踏進中實大樓的時候, 被這棟歷史建築裡的“故事感”震懾到了, 因為它真的好像歷史劇裡面的復古建築。進到展廳裡時, 迎面而來的是黑與白的優雅。第一個讓我驚艷的是Elle Fanning, 她看起來是那麼的清純又有一點憂鬱的浪漫, 讓我忍不住站在這作品前面沈思了一陣子。

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這個展覽裡有好多名人的參與, 你可以看到名模, 演員, 設計師還有雜誌主編跟導演....等等. 另一個讓我目不轉睛的作品是湯唯。不知道是不是跟我最近看了她的新電影有關, 這個作品讓我仿佛看見了在這舉步維艱的現實社會中, 女性的堅強與柔韌。

There are quite a lot of celebrities portraits in this exhibition, from models to actress, and also designers and editors.....ect. The other  portrait I like very much was Tang Wei. Maybe its because I recently saw her movies, and also the feeling from the  portrait represent her well, with the sense of strong independent woman living in the tough world elegantly.

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現場還有發放海報, 有三種選擇:李宇春, Tilda Swindon 還有一個我忘記了...最後我選的是Tilda Swindon,  好愛她那中性的神秘氣質。

Yes, they give out the poster in this exhibition, there were three choses between Li Yu Chun, Tilda Swindon and I forget the other one.....However, I choose Tilda Swindon.

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卡爾老爺爺不可否認的知道如何造型女人, 毋庸置疑的他更知道如何幫女人釋放出自己的內在美。就算只是透過這些簡單的黑白照片, 就能感覺到這些女人的韻味, 個性, 情緒與文化背景。就像香奈兒這個傳奇品牌還有她的小黑外套一樣。簡單, 但卻優雅的很有個性。

Karl Lagerfeld certainly knows how to dress woman, but also how to show their inner beauty as well. Even these are just simple black and white photos, but so many to tell through them: characters, emotions, cultures...Same as the legendary Little Black Jacket and the house of Chanel. Simple but Elegant with style.




如果你也想感受一下卡爾爺爺的小黑外套魅力, 可以把握這週末的最後兩天去看看, 或來這裡線上瀏覽。You can take this last two days chance, or if you want to have asneak peek, click here.



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Monday 8 July 2013

fashion show selections。|| Cats +Roses +Collages= Antonio Marras 2014 Resort ||


(left Caroline Alkire, right Emma Cook


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I am now a super fan of  Antonio Marras, not only because of his playful vintage like styles, but also the enjoyable collages which has these unforgettable nostalgia feelings in his 2014 resort collections. Cute cats and Big red roses, perfect items to represent woman in different age, he mix them like a impressionism painting. The Roses remind me two images from Caroline Alkire and Emma CookThe collection, however is pretty young and a little bit girly, pretty refreshing with stripes and water colours. I can totally imaging myself wearing his collection on my holiday to a small village in Europe! Great inspiration for my coming holiday wardrobe.

連續看了好幾季 Antonio Marras的秀場圖, 我已經迷上了他的作品, 變成了他的粉絲。好喜歡他復古中帶點趣味還富有細節的設計, 就像這次2014渡假系列裡那些讓人過目不忘的拼貼畫一樣有著甜美又能感覺到懷舊的滋味。可愛的貓咪跟紅通通的玫瑰都完美地詮釋了不同階段的女人味, 同時透過拼貼讓整個系列有著強烈的印象派風格。其中的玫瑰拼貼還讓我聯想起Caroline Alkire  Emma Cook 的做品。這次的渡假系列整體感覺好像小女孩的內心世界, 年輕且富有想像力; 尤其是那些清新條紋上衣/ 長裙, 還有水彩色彩。我完全可以想像自己穿著它們漫步在歐洲某個小村莊裡坐著我的白日夢哈哈~這是個很好的渡假“行頭”靈感來源呢!忍不住大聲喊:



images via here, here and here.
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