Monday 24 June 2013

where。|| PURR's Living, Taipei ||

purrs-living-6purrs-living-5purrs-living-4purrs-living-3purrs-living 2purrs-living 1

前幾天翻了翻我iphone裡的照片, 發現我漏掉介紹這家咖啡廳兼古董雜貨店PURR's Living, 這是朋友介紹在台北東區的小店, 我們二月的時候去的...(什麼!!???) 看到照片後我完全能回憶起那裡的氛圍跟好吃的食物。我的腦袋記不太起來菜單裡面確切有什麼, 但我記得全是我喜歡的治癒系小食, 像是烤雞+烤蔬菜(那天我點的就是這個), 凱薩沙拉跟牛肉三明治, 雖然都是簡單到處都有的小食, 但它做得很用心也很好吃, 擺盤也好好看!整家店的氛圍很舒服也很注意每個小細節, 就像洗手間裡的小松鼠水龍頭就有surprise到我~整家店也有種尋寶的感覺, 而且它擺設出來的東西都有賣。(但覺得像我這樣的小上班族有點消費不起...)總而言之, 我覺得這是一家在東區閒逛可以給妳帶來“美好的午後”feel的複合概念店。

I was flipping through my iphone, realise I forgot to share this amazing cafe, PURR's Living, when I was back in Taipei in Feb. (What ???!!!! )(Haha) One of my friend recommend this place, very vintage but with taste. Really just everything I would enjoy, including the food. Well cooked roast vegs and chicken, and also well presented. My brain cant not recall what exactly were on the menu, but I can remember they are all nice comfort food like roast veg, chicken salad and beef sandwich. (my mouth is watering now....) What I like most is the atmosphere, and every bit of the details in the corners, like the squirrel tap in the loo. Feels a bit like a treasure hunting stores, all the stuffs displayed are for sell, and all are collected from aboard. (just a bit too pricy....) Well, over all, its a nice concept shop/ cafe to have a look and stay for a nice afternoon catch up!


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Thursday 13 June 2013

There。|| Mother Daughter Diary ||


其他部落格那邊看到了這個超級溫馨的時尚大片, 漂亮的模特媽媽Bianca Balti和可愛的女兒為Grey Magazine拍的。裡面母女兩都穿著 Dolce & Gabbana 2013春夏系列服裝, 表現的內容就是媽媽與女兒平凡的一天(但穿上Dolce & Gabbana後就一點也不平凡了哈)其中我最喜歡女兒幫媽媽化裝的那一張, 好調皮又好sweet!這樣的母女裝可以給已經當媽媽/ 將要當媽媽/或是夢想當媽媽的妳們當個很夢幻的參考!

I saw those lovely lovely pictures from the other blogger, can't stop saying "awwwwww". It was Bianca Balti and her cute daughter both wearing Dolce & Gabbana's 2013SS collection for Grey Magazine. So basically the theme is about ordinary daily chores with mum & the little one. (not really ordinary when u have those Dolce & Gabbana on haha) The one I love most is the daughter putting on make ups on her mum, so fun and sweet!! The kinda of fun I used to want when I was little. Well, those matching mother/daughter outfit can be a great inspiration for those who is mum already/ will be mum soon/ or dreaming to be a mum !!

喔對了, 這次的分享比較針對時尚和穿搭, 如果想看更多有關“愛”的母子/女, 可以回顧我之前分享過的---there。|| the real women ||, 我相信喜歡小孩的妳一定會很喜歡!

BTW, this mother/ daughter inspiration is more about dressing up, but if you are looking for the LOVE, please go review my post ---there。|| the real women ||, there will be more awwwwww coming out of you.

images via here and here.



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Tuesday 4 June 2013

Pieces。|| Summer Traffic Light?! MAY. 初夏. 2013 ||

summer clours

When I was looking at my May Instagram, The colour combination looks like traffic light: Red, Yellow and Green. It also reflects my mood: Lost, Find and Grateful. The feeling of lost makes me stop chasing and think about what really matters (Red). In the last month, I met peoples and I found there is still ways to make my dream works now, all i need is a bit of faith in it (Green). Also I feel like I need to be focus on what I was being given, what I got right now and feel grateful about them all (Yellow).

看看我五月份的Instagram, 整個色調就像紅綠燈一樣:紅黃綠。似乎也表現出我整個五月的心情:失去, 找回, 和感激。失去的感覺, 讓我停止追逐沒有意義的一切, 轉而思考什麼才是重要的, 可以讓我奮不顧身的(紅燈)。我在這個月中遇見了新朋友, 一個讓我覺得夢想好像真的不遠的信念也離我好近, 而我唯一需要做的就是去相信它!(綠燈)現在的我慢慢能專心在我所擁有的一切事物上, 因為想太多未知的未來令我無助, 所以我只用心在“現在”, 感激我身邊的一切。

How about you? How's your summer colours and how does then reflect your mood? Hope you all have a great May!!




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