Thursday 21 November 2013

vola outfit。Paris || blooms in Jardin des Tuileries ||

“If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars.” ---The Little Prince


Bomber Jacket: UNIQLO  |  Vintage Floral Dress:  Blitz London  |  Necklace : BOUTIQUE in SEOUL  |   Letter E Necklace: TOP SHOP  |  Hair Clip: BOUTIQUE in SEOUL  |  Blue Clutch : &OTHER STORIES  |  Green Ankle Boots : TOP SHOP

服裝周期間, 巴黎的杜樂麗花園就變成一個必去的景點。不是為了去看花朵而去, 是為了一個個穿著時尚有型優雅, 感覺就像花朵綻放的名媛與時尚名人而去。感覺到了那邊就該認真打扮加點小心思來感激時尚的存在與貢獻, 所以我也照做了。只是, 由於去的當天是要看商展工作, 沒有事前查看服裝秀行程, 導致....背景從應該是好看的時尚名人+有型攝影師, 變成遊客, 遊客, 還是遊客...但這沒影響我和小夥伴Wonda的好心情, 反而讓我巴黎街拍初體驗變得沒有壓力, 多了歡樂與隨性。(但一開始的確對於擺pose十分不自在, 看得出來吧?!啊啊啊)當下在花園裡轉圈的我的確有感覺心花怒放的開心呦!(大大的微笑)

During the fashion week,  Jardin des Tuileries becomes a must-go sightseeing. Not for actual blooming flowers but for those dress up fashionista that feels like a blooming flower. Appreciating fashion by dressing up fancy and walking in the garden is essential. I did my as well. But we were there for the trade show not for the fashion show, so instead of fashionable people and photographers as background, we had tourist and tourist. That doesn't disappoint me and my dear friend Wonda, and did my very first Paris style shoot with less pressure and more fun. (but I think you can tell that posing is really not my thing…need practice ahhhhh) I was definitely felt like a blooming flower while in the packed with tourist garden. (Big Big Smile)


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Friday 15 November 2013

The Happiness Project || Ideal London Weekend ||


早餐是一天中最重要的一餐, 但如果是英式早餐, 那對我來說就是最快樂的一餐。在倫敦, 大街小巷上都有英式早餐(標配:培根+香腸+蘑菇蕃茄+太陽蛋/炒蛋+吐司+早餐茶), 不管是咖啡廳, 餐廳還是酒吧。還有如果你覺得吃膩了英式的, 中國城裡有好多飲茶餐廳供你挑選; 最適合週末跟好姐妹們八卦還有跟吃不慣英式早餐的家人聚餐的好去處。有這麼多選擇還有這麼滿足的份量, 讓我在倫敦的那幾天的早晨開心又有活力。這裡要推薦的兩個早餐咖啡廳是:靠近牛津街的The Riding House Cafe; 還有靠近Southbank的The Table Cafe 。這兩家除了餐點好吃選擇多之外, 整個餐廳的風格還有氛圍也很溫馨, 讓人有融入倫敦生活的感覺。

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day. As for English breakfast, I think would be the happiest meal of the day. In London, you can easily got this full-English breakfast in cafe, restaurant and pub. If you are tired of English style, there is always a China Town you can go to, for chatty Yum Cha with girls or family. So with that much choices and volume for breakfast, I did have splendid mornings while I was in London. My favorite two English Breakfast spots would be The Riding House Cafe near Oxford Circus and The Table Cafe near Southbank. Both with various breakfast choices and lovely atmosphere that makes you feel cozy and warm.



我通常喜歡在週末吃得飽飽後到處閒逛, 最常到市集或是公園裡。(倫敦市集特輯很快就會出爐了,請拭目以待喔! )我一直覺得倫敦的公園是這個城市的寶, 在這裡的公園裡躺著就讓我覺得很奢侈。(如果你想瞭解更多“城市新禪意”, 請點這裡)所以如果你很幸運在倫敦居住或旅遊, 一定要在天氣好的時候抽空去公園躺躺, 感受一下歐洲人的慵懶生活。三個我推薦的好所在會是:Primrose Hill (在這裡你可以俯瞰倫敦, 附近也有很多小店還有咖啡廳, 會讓你有個充實寧靜的午後)Green Park (它離Piccadilly 跟 Regent St 很近, 是個購物後小睡/放鬆的好地方)Southbank (在倫敦眼後面有一塊綠色草坪, 相信我, 躺在那裡往上看倫敦眼會感覺格外的壯觀/浪漫)

Normally, after a heavy loaded tommy I would wondering around the city. To the markets or the parks. ( the recommended Markets in London will be posted soon, stay tuned folks.) I think have that much parks in London is a treasure for a city. That makes me feel luxurious for just lying there. (if you want to find out how Green is the new Zen, click here. ) So if you are lucky to be in London, go to the park in a good weather day. The TOP 3 for me would be: Primrose Hill ( where you can get a great great view of London from the hill and that area has shops and cafes that can keep your afternoon relaxedly busy) Green Park (Close to Piccadilly and Regent St, a great park to take a nap after crazy shopping) Southbank (there is a bit of green behind the London Eye, lying there and look up the London Eye is spetaculous, believe me)


只要一頓豐盛的早餐跟一片綠地, 不管你現在在哪裡, 這麼簡單的Happiness Project你一定要試試看!也希望你們分享給我知道~

Now go on with this easy Happiness Project by just have a GOOD breakfast and a bit of Green, wherever you are. Would be great if you can share your experience with me!

THANKS FOR READING &Have a Lovely Weekend !! xx

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Friday 8 November 2013

There。|| Dior Esprit, Shanghai ||




從"New Look“到Raf Simons, Dior的女人一直是有著巴黎氣息的高貴典雅且不被時間打敗的經典時尚。所以來“迪奧精神”在上海舉辦的這個展, 探索這個品牌的傳奇, 讓我感覺像是去巴黎取經一樣隆重。這個展帶來了無數Dior的珍寶, 從古著到禮服, 感覺就像坐了時光機穿越它傳奇的歲月。喜歡他展出的方式:一間間帶有主題的房間, 引領參觀者走進Dior的時尚童話。從1950年代的古著到最新幾季Raf Simons設計的系列, 其中還包括了珠寶/鞋包/香水瓶等, 全部都按照主題展示在各個房間內, 這樣不僅能觀察過往的時尚趨勢還可以清楚瞭解Dior是如何打敗時光創造經典, 還讓這些經典一次次的突破經典! 能夠這樣近距離細看這些服裝, 看到它們布料的質地/細節/顏色/份量, 真的很讓人陶醉啊~不僅僅只是這樣, 他們還跨海請來巴黎的工匠現場展示制作Lady Dior還有香水瓶的工序! 不多說了, 這個展就像是一個時尚歷史/課本的現場轉播, 是一個今年2013必須去朝聖的展!

From "New Look" to Raf Simons, Dior represent Woman from Paris, with sophisticated and femininely timeless classic. So I felt it's an honor to explore the world of Dior and the legacy in this exhibition---Dior Esprit in Shanghai. It was truly an inspiring exhibition, with all the vintages and gowns, it sort of like a time machine that bought us back into the important decades of the house of Dior. I like the way they put up to exhibit: rooms with each theme, feels just like you walk into Dior's fairy-tales. Instead of a pop-up book pages, you got to see the real garments. Also you can see the 1950's vintage Dior and the newest collection by Raf Simons, and also the accessories, jewelry and perfumes exhibit in the same room with the same theme,  which makes the whole spirit of Dior running though and understand how is it so classic and timeless through years. I must say it is wonderful to see the garments (that usually been seen on the runway or vintage books) so close, those textures, details, finishing, colours, and the volumes!! There is also a workshop that demonstrate the process of making the bag Lady Dior and the perfume bottles. This two floors exhibition is definitely a complete LIVE fashion textbook and a MUST-SEE fashion exhibition in 2013.

必須說在上海看大展的人潮不是一般的多! 所以請避免週末下午前往.

Another thing that will also Woo you off is the amount of people!! It's really quite a experience with soooooo many people in one exhibition. So be aware try not to go on the weekend afternoon.



周一至周日 10:00am~6:00pm

MoCA Shanghai, 7 People’s Park, Nanjing Xilu, Huangpu District, Shanghai




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Friday 1 November 2013

Paris Fashion Week。|| LA DANSE DES MASQUES, Shiatzy Chen 2014SS ||

lovely invitation by Shiatzy Chen's hard working illustrator Emma.



綠色燈光/海草地毯/紅色禮物袋, 坐在巴黎大皇宮秀場的位置上等著秀開始的我, 看著在名人身上閃爍的閃光燈, 很難想像這次夏姿.陳要怎麼驚艷我們。(噢對!這次來看秀的有我小時候迷戀偶像許茹芸!! 我以前還寄給她自己畫她的素描哈哈)在過去的五年, 夏姿.陳就像是個介於西方時尚界和東方時尚界的外交官。每次都會在秋冬發佈會上給人奢華且工藝精湛的中式盛宴, 而在春夏則是色彩繽紛又活潑的浪漫優雅。這次2014春夏雖然也不例外, 但卻比期待值更高出了許多。完全沒有料到會出現內衣外穿的趨勢, 但夏姿.陳把這個大膽的穿法加上絲綢短褲/鉛筆裙, 整個變成一個好有個性的優雅造型! 這季春夏好像是一個讚詠藝術的盛宴, 從Celine的街頭插畫藝術到Prada的壁畫人物, 夏姿也用了中國戲曲臉譜藝術貫穿整個春夏系列。一件件做工精細的刺繡臉譜上, 很難不看出有畢卡索的風格在裡面, 但透過中式水墨畫的筆觸, 散發出濃濃的東風禪味。又一次玩美又優雅的中西合併!!

Green Lights/ Seaweed textured carpet/ Red goody bags, I was wondering what will Shiatzy Chen surprise us this Summer while sitting in the row and watching people taking photos of those celebrities in Grand Palais Galerie. (Must say, one of them is my childhood muse, Valen Hsu. I used to write her letter with the illustration of her I draw when I was 10.) For the last 5 years Shiatzy Chen played an amazing ambassador for both Eastern and Western fashion world. Normally she gives us luxurious crafted autumn-winter collection, and surprise us with the colorful youth in the spring-summer collection. This time, no exception but higher the expectation. Didn't see the bra-on-top coming and I was amazed how elegant it turns out with those satin shorts/pencil skirts.  This season is like a celebration of arts, look at Celine's graffiti art and Prada's mural faces. The trend has also be found in the theme of Shiatzy Chen's collection: " Oriental Opera Mask" which was easy to be spotted on the embroidered patterns. Very arty, influenced by Picasso and Mondrian, but with a twist of Chinese ink painting texture. It blend so well and so beautifully which made me Waoo during the show.

在設計總監王陳彩霞女士出來謝幕時, 我感到一股驕傲與自豪。必須說這次被邀請不在我的計劃內, 真的是很碰巧也很幸運! 所以把原定的歐洲之星的票換掉, 改掉當天的行程...這些麻煩到看完秀後知道一切都是值得的。因為這不只是一場時裝秀, 這是一個我們台灣的品牌也是一個把很多珍貴的中式工藝帶來到西方國家, 告訴他們我們也可以用悠久歷史的傳統創造出時尚創造出新的流行。BRAVO夏姿.陳, BRAVO台灣 !!! (拍手擊掌叫好)

I must say how proud I was when I saw the chief designer, Wang Chen Tsai-Hsia came out in the end. I was get invited at the very last minute of my trip in Paris, so I have to change my Euro Star ticket for it. But I know it's worth the hassles. Cause this is not only a brand from my hometown Taiwan, but also the brand that carries on the precious Chinese crafts and show the other side of world that those traditions can also be trendy. So BRAVO Shiatzy Chen, BRAVO Taiwan.

Shiatzy Chen 2014SS show ELLETV video.



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