Wednesday 28 May 2014

vola! outfit ||Blend in, Shanghai。上海單車日記||

blend_in_shanghai01blend_in_shanghai04blend_in_shanghai03Leather Jacket : Uniqlo  |  Denim Shirt:  UNIQLO X INES DE LA FRESSANGE |  Silk Scarf: UNIQLO X INES DE LA FRESSANGE  |  Printed Tote Bag  : KATE SPADE  | Red Heels : Shiatzy Chen  | Sunglasses : LONDON VINTAGE  |

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忽涼忽熱的上海立夏, 穿梭在街道間的最好方式就是騎單車。微風/速度/穿梭在擁擠車流中, 是忙碌中舒壓的一大享受。在上海的單車界, 來自台灣的捷安特還有上海老牌子永久, 都在跟英國復古單車取經。皮製手把配上藤籃, 墨綠色加上白色的搭配, 我的捷安特就是我春夏的心頭好。第一個禮拜挑戰在上海街頭穿梭的我, 處處小心, 除了車子還要小心突然冒出來的行人/電瓶車/自行車。一直按鈴好像都沒反應, 因為馬路上喇叭聲/鈴聲從來沒停過, 所以已經成了背景音而不是警告音。入境隨俗的我只好也開始開喊:當心!讓讓讓讓讓。喊完自己還大笑, 因為這“融入街頭”的感覺真是奇妙。

Early summer in shanghai, between hot sunny days and breezy days, the best way to travel is by BICYCLE. Wind/ speed/ no traffic, make the experience very soothing after/during the busy day. Giant from Taiwan and Forever from Shanghai are getting their hands on retro style. Leather handle/ weaving basket+ white and green retro combination=my lovely Giant is the new lover for the breezy summer. My first week on bike was pretty nervous, cos I need to watch out the pop put moto/bike/people that come from nowhere. I tried ring the bell on my bike, but it doesn't help at all, cos car horns and bells are like background sound to the shanghai street. So I end up yelling: WATCH OUT WATCH OUT MAKE A WAY. I laugh out loud right after my first yelling and then get addicted of doing it. Blend my yelling into the street background soundtrack is Great Fun.

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Saturday 17 May 2014

trends。||Marble Issue。大理石,最沈穩的灰階美||


安靜成穩奢華的大理石, 自從上個秋冬開始就漸漸從秀場走進人們的生活靈感中。從常見的家居裝飾已經衍生到了服飾與配件裝飾上。令我愛不釋手的還是mac外殼還有大理石印花襯衫。冷靜的猶如冰山美人般, 頓時氣質出眾了起來。簡單的黑白灰, 不規則的線條, 除了乾淨簡單還多了一份靜逸。灰階色調一直這這兩季的重點, 不像灰色地帶那樣令人緊覺的意味, 比較像是情緒上的逃脫。穿上灰色系可以感受到柔軟安靜, 像是回到了一個人的天地一樣, 自在獨立。大理石紋路, 更添加了潑墨山水的意境。


Marble's luxurious and calmness has a certain reputation in home decoration. Since last year it appeared on the catwalk, it start to influence into every detail that relate to fashion. My favorite from above would be the mac case and the shirt. Black and white, irregular lines, so simple and calm.  Grey tone is one of the key colour for last past few seasons, it not like a serious suit's hue, its more like an escape from all the compelecated emotions. It can be so cozy and quite, like you are on a comfy coach, all by your self, alone but fulfilled. The marble print is just adding more splash-ink scenery kind of zen into it.


images via here here here here and pinterest.

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Wednesday 7 May 2014

vola! outfit ||Dress up heels free。跑鞋盛裝||

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Orange Bomber Jacket : Uniqlo  |  Black Lace Irregular Dress:  IZZUE COLLECTION (Similar here)   |  Letter E Necklace: TOPSHOP  |  Silver Stone Ring: H&M  |  White Lace Edge Socks: TOPSHOP  |  Mint Shoulder Bag  : KATE SPADE  | Trainer : NEW BALANCE  | Sunglasses : LONDON VINTAGE  | dress_up_heels_free09

剛上班時的我會告訴自己, 至少一周要練習“踩高蹺”兩次。現在在忙碌的工作中還有新的運動風趨勢下, 我漸漸變成穿球鞋/平底鞋多過高跟鞋。這次服裝周的裝扮雖然和上次一樣都是以黑色蕾絲洋裝為主, 但用不同的配飾去詮釋不同的心境與感觸。這季服裝周的街拍相對也比較活潑, 好多顏色跟幾何圖案, 多了點童趣少了點嚴肅。誰說盛裝時不能穿運動鞋?!我用跳躍的腳尖告訴你們, 只要穿起來有自信, 夠自在, 就算你不是Susie Bubble, (或是有個媽在你出門前說:裙子加運動鞋好奇怪啦)你還是可以舒舒服服的穿出自己的風格。

When I start working in the office, I told myself I should practice wearing heels at least twice a week. It didn't last long. Thanks to the Ballerina trend and Sporty trend, I end up with wearing cool flats or trainers everyday. As for this Fashion Week outfit, still wearing Black Dress as base (see last one here) but had a play with colors and my new NB. Felt so much cheerful and less serious this time, and when I look around, people are dressing in trainers too with colors too. What a Coincidence. PLAYFUL was the Theme. Well who said you can't dress up with trainer? (except my mom we shakes her head every time she saw me wearing it with dress or skirt) I am jumping high with my tip toe and telling you: The outfit you wear should makes you happy and cheerful, then you add your secret ingredient that's call CONFIDENCE. You don't have to be Sussie Bubble, but you can still wear whatever you like to be comfort and stylish, or should I say, BE YOU.

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