Monday 30 April 2012

put me in your bloglovin。

If you are reading blogs everyday, like me,and you haven't heard of "BLOGLOVIN", you better start sign in for it. Because it could make you life so much easier!

如果你跟我一樣每天都要讀很多的部落格, 但你從來沒聽過“BLOGLOVIN"這個網站, 那這下一秒最好是去註冊一個賬號, 這會讓你的部落格人生變得超簡單輕鬆。

It's basically a website that you can find/ gather the blogs that you love into your account. when you are reading them, all you do is press "the next" bottom to read all the latest posts from the blogs you love! easy huh?

Please add Com'on Eileen in your blog list! by click on the bloglovin image on the LEFT !


這個網站很簡單操作, 就是把你喜歡的部落格都加到你的賬號裡面, 每一次你在讀的時候就只要按下 ”the next" 就可以很輕鬆的把你最愛部落客發的文章一次不間斷的看完!很簡單吧~

快快按下右手邊bloglovin的圖片,把 Com'on Eileen加進去吧 !!!!

(all images from bloglovin)
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Sunday 22 April 2012

pieces。|| very first shanghai fashion week。||

The first week i arrive to my job in shanghai.  The whole company is extremely busy for Shanghai fashion week.

去新公司報到的第一個禮拜, 整個公司陷入了一陣瘋狂忙碌狀態中。

my first mission was stitching laces on to 2 dresses and one top.  It took me four days 48 hours to complete it.

我的第一個任務就是把蕾絲手工縫到兩件洋裝和一件上衣上, 用時四天, 大概48小時完成這個任務。

my second mission was assist model fitting and backstage preparation for the show.


(china's pizza hut take away. yummm 上海必勝客外帶便當, 好吃!)

There was this one little moment that I thought I was not in china, cos I was surrounding by so many cool foreigners.  Amazing view and amazing experience.

我還一度覺得自己像是在國外一樣, 被這麼多有型的外國人包圍著。好興奮又好微妙的感覺。

well done every one!! (applauding )

大家辛苦了!!! (拍拍手)

sorry i was all over the place, running running running and wooooing. so there were no much time to take good photo...these are the best i get. hope i could get more next time.



images by eileen's iphone (instagram)

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Thursday 19 April 2012

piece。|| you are being missed。mar. 春. 2012 ||



Since i was teenager, i moved quite a lot, i get used to travel.

Do i ever complain about it? No, not really. I enjoy the way that i can experience more and having different cultures smashing inside me, satisfied the curious aquarius, like me.

從高中開始我就常常跟著家人台灣大陸的兩地跑, 大學更是英國台灣大陸三地跑, 所以旅行成了我生命的一大部份。

但我從來都不太抱怨這樣的生活, 反而很享受這種可以體驗到不同的人生, 接受各種文化差異, 這種感覺對於水瓶座來說就像是住在遊樂園裡。

I always think that I am really lucky. So every time when I am back to my country, I try to get to know it better; by wondering around the city and get lost; by eating as much as i can, until i cant fit in to my dresses. But never want to know the country/city by its media, they make it so grey and dark.

我一直都覺得我很幸運, 所以每次回到自己成長的地方我都希望可以更進一步認識她。有時透過在城市裡漫步/ 迷路; 或是一直不斷的品嘗大街小巷裡的美食一直到不敢站在磅秤上。但是我從來都不會透過媒體趣認識她, 因為只會讓她看起來灰暗又悲傷, 害我誤解她。

---Jiufeng. Chinkuashih / 九份. 金瓜石---

Now I have left it again for fulfilling myself, but I will never forget how beautiful it is and how lovely the people are.

Taiwan, Daring, You are being missed.

現在的我不得已又得離開她, 為得是讓自己看得多看得遠, 但我永遠永遠不會忘記她美麗的身影, 還有住在這裡熱情的家人朋友們。

親愛的台灣, 我已經想妳了。

images by eileen's iphone (instagram)
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Sunday 8 April 2012

u are what u wear。你穿故你在。# 1.

“ The person who can't enjoy his/her private time, might end up being trapped in the situation of 'works really hard, but can't see the efforts in the end'. The person who can't enjoy the vocation, also means that he/she is giving up the opportunity of meeting new people and interesting things that are not related to work. So, don't even mention being creative, probably are failing their adaptability."

--- Matsuura Yataro

“無法享受私人時間的人, 到頭來或許得面臨‘明明很努力了, 卻一直看不見成效’的窘境。無法享受假日的人,等於放棄了接觸工作之外的人事物的機會, 那不要說創意了, 就連適應力都有可能衰退。”

---松浦彌太郎 「找到你的工作好感覺」

Yummy picnic on the roof top. 頂樓準夏日野餐。


Taiwan 7-11 can just get me as drunk as i was in the uk.                                         7-11就能享受到“買醉的英國”。

red dress---Shiatzy Chen夏姿紅洋裝// black top---Taobao淘寶黑背心// legging jeans---uniqlo優衣庫緊身褲// bag---urban outfitters. UO肩背包


This blog is my private pleasure after work, oh! did I mentioned that i am getting a new job in Shanghai China? I am really glad to celebrate it the nite before my first day, by creating this new category---" u are what u wear ". (the new one that replaced vola! outfit ) I always believe that the clothes represent what we are and what our mood is. and I am a totally crazy about self-helping books. so it's perfect to combine then with a nice outfit and a nice quote. isn't it sound exciting?! yeeeaaaeee.

這個部落格正是我下班後讓我審視自己, 獨處的小天地。喔!我有說過明天會是我在上海上班的第一天嗎?!很高興可以在前一晚用這個新增的主題---" u are what u wear " (你穿故你在)(用來取代vola! outfit ) 我始終相信你的穿著將完完全全表現著你的地位個性還有心情。加上我是個‘勵志控‘ (默默舉手)所以我覺得穿搭+引用書中的一段話=夢幻無比的結合。寫完這篇整個人莫名的興奮了起來, 覺得這部落格好正面!好亮!耶!

image via eileen's iphone (pictureshow)


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Friday 6 April 2012

MOVING! 搬家了。

First of all,
THANK YOU so much for reading it.
It's a huge step of my life,
Writing this blog is like a target for me to achieve.
To become a better Eileen,
To share what I love, what I am passionate about.
maybe it's not there yet,
still got lots lots to learn,
but i am glad i have made it happen and continued doing it.

讓我能完完全全做自己, 甚至是更好的Eileen

After months of planning/designing/organising,
finally, it has a place of its own.
(Thanks to fun-g creative studio)


Really hope you will like it and come visit me a little bit more! 
(only if i update it a bit more frequent, ha)

真的希望你們會喜歡這新的歸宿, 然後常來光顧給我指教。(鞠躬)

Take care and see you there! 

Eileen x
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