Wednesday 23 July 2014

pieces || hot summer wanted, 夏日度假夢 ||

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再過兩天就是大暑了! 好想要來個清涼海灘度假呀!! 但準備要開始一番作為的我, 今年夏日只能犧牲一下, 看圖舒緩夏日煩悶情緒!

We are just entering the hottest day of the summer, temperature record keeps breaking every day. All I truly need is a VOCATION, better near the beach. But I have to sacrifice it this year (tears), since I am about to DO SOMETHING BIG this Autumn. I am super duper looking forward to it! So now, those images would do just fine to cool me down.

西瓜/ 冰茶/ 雞尾酒/ 海灘/ 露背洋裝/ 大遮陽帽/ 髮帶。我的2014夏日關鍵字。你的呢?

watermelon/ ice tea/ cocktail/ beach/ backless dress/ hat/ hair band. Those are my summer essentials, how about you?


images via Com'on Eileen's pinterest.
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Friday 18 July 2014

there。|| upgrade with WHYCHATCHAT, 想飛 ||

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一直下閃電雷雨的上海, 週末好多活動都不想去, 但看到朋友舉辦的簡報課程, 二話不說就報名參加了。之前有參加過大班老師的keynote簡報製作課程, 很喜歡他的教學方式。生動/活潑/專業。這次參加的是幾位好朋友在台灣創立的:想飛 WHYCHATCHAT的簡報製作課程。林大班老師之前都一直在學學文創做講師, 還有擔任蘋果教學培訓師。在派來上海工作後也一直有很多演講經歷, 專業度和熱忱都滿分。這次的場地DEMO CAFE也是我在上海一直很推薦的咖啡廳之一, 整棟老房子改建的多功能咖啡廳, 本來就會在三樓有很多好玩的活動。平時來二樓喝咖啡聊是非或是在一樓大桌子下開會聚餐也特別有情調。現在大班老師要回台灣了, 但還是會有機會回來上海演講~有興趣的朋友可以關注想飛的微博噢!

Shanghai has being storming and pouring for weeks now, makes me wanna stay home. But when my dear friend told me about this Presentation Preparation Talk, I said YES right away. Mr. Ben is the host, I have been to several of his talk already, love the way he does the presentation: interactive/ enjoyable/ professional. The one I went this time was organized by a Taiwanese Organization called WHYCHATCHAT. The place that taken place was DEMO CAFE, one of my favorite cafe in Shanghai. This cafe is in an old lovely building, from ground floor to roof top, each floor has its special function. You can have a meeting or friends/family reunion at the ground floor with the big table. Then you also can have a quite time of your own on the 2nd floor. 3rd floor is for events, they hold quite a lot interesting events. That afternoon with Mr. Ben was fulfilled and full of fun. If you are ever interesting in upgrading your skills in talking and presentation making, fellow WHYCHATCHAT's Weibo, they have both event hold in Taiwan and China, stay tuned!


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Thursday 10 July 2014

there。|| the vintage zoo 復古動物園市集 ||

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上海的市集真的很密集, 也五花八門的弄了好多主題。這次介紹的是上週末在1933老場房的久久動物園復古集市。(1933老場房是電影小時代的場景之一, 很眼熟吧。是以前的屠宰場改造的, 所以沒有活動的時候去是有一點點毛毛的, 但舊建築本身還是很酷)去的前一晚還大熬夜到早上看足球, 下午還是很有活力的跟girls說好, 穿上自己的動物裝扮來市集玩耍(我順便來工作一下~啊哈!有熱血少女的感覺~只是臉還是很浮腫呀!)那天我為了襯托可愛動物們, 做了一天的背景叢林。這場市集感覺比較“闔家歡樂”, 因為有好多很潮的爸爸媽媽帶著自家的“動物小寶貝”, 超級可愛!在上海的市集裡, 商品的重複性蠻高的, 所以如果讓我看到有特色有設計感的賣家我就會很興奮地想(談)認(生)識(意)。球球就是我這樣認識的, 她的品牌“綉球手作”把繡花跟銀飾結合, 用中國風的元素做出有個性復古又好搭配的飾品, 完全是我的菜!! 馬上就跟朋友交關, 一人各入手了一個戒指。大小適中的款式, 讓我那天叢林風又加了一點復古小細節。1933老場房的一樓好適合街拍, 水泥背景的建築, 讓我跟girls拍照拍得不亦樂乎, 還被街拍網站P1.com一個個抓去真的街拍, 也算是那天的小小驚喜(偷笑)

The market fair in Shanghai is going insane, so many of them during the weekend, and is getting more FUN with different themes. Last weekend was The Vintage Zoo Fair in 1933 (this place was a slaughterhouse loooong time ago, I know its a bit creepy, but the building is so cool in person! ) I was stayed all night for watching football, after a small nap in the morning, me and the girls still make it to this fun. We had a deal to dress up with animals elements, and I choose to be the jungle so I could be the lovely greeny background~As for the fair, it was more like a FAMILY FUN, cos there were kids running around and dressing like cute adorable animals with hip dad and mom. If you are a frequent fair shopper like me in shanghai, you can tell the things they sell in those market are usually repeated. So for me, if I see something new and interesting, I will def have a chi-chat with the owner (and maybe pull some business haha) That's how I know Qiu Qiu, the owner of a lovely embroidery accessory brand: Hydrangea Handmade. It has the Chinese elements, a kick of character and a bit of rusty feel. Immediately me and my friend bought two rings for both of us, and it was such a lovely vintage detail that goes well with my jungle outfit. I have to say, 1933 is brilliant for steetsnap, with the concrete background which makes everything so vivid. While I was happily taking photos with the girls, someone from, the streetsnap site,  asked for every one's photo. What a lovely surprise for such a HYPER day!!


喜歡Com'on Eileen 分享的週末活動嗎?可以去關注Facebook 還有Weibo, 會有更多的即時分享等你一起來參與呦~ Are you enjoying Com'on Eileen's Event joy sharing? Join Facebook  and Weibo for more insight and immediate fun, maybe I can meet you there!

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Thursday 3 July 2014

pieces。|| Back to ZERO 回歸.原點 ||

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有一陣子看了好多有關於“整理”的書, 想要把自己的“空間”整理乾淨有序, 讓自己的心也可以隨之自在舒服。但看書歸看書, 執行則又是另一回事。尤其對有些“食之無味棄之可惜”的東西或是“有情緒”的物件感到不知所措或無奈煩惱。收到最後才發現真正要整理的其實是自己的心呀! 環境的整理跟電腦手機文件的整理又不太一樣, 太多重要的文件導致“備份”這件事情變得十分重要。而備份對於健忘/懶惰的人(--->我)來說也是一個壓力。再說, 這些需要備份的包袱如果沒有定期處理, 就會越來越重的一直跟著你。而這些不必要的物件或檔案的累積, 常常會多到讓人喘不過氣, 顯得“活在當下”這件事情難度越來越高。

There were times when I was really into "organizing" book, so I would make my outside (spaces) clean and tidy so I could feel free and comfortable inside. But making reading into action is another thing, especially when you face to face to those emotion attached items e.g. gifts/ photos/ souvenirs, make the whole thing lot more difficult. At the end you will realized that the thing needed to be clean, is your HEART. Same to the documents and Photos that are saved in your devises. Those are needed to be back up are giving people like me who is a bit lazy and forgettable lot of pressure. More back up you do, more "Life heavy packages" will be fellowing you. The whole thing is making "Live Now" theory even more difficult.


為什麼我現在會這麼多感觸是因為前天發生了一大。悲。劇。在不正當使用手機的情況下, 存在裡面的5000多張這半年來回憶的照片在一秒後全。沒。了。當時的情緒只能用無奈與失落還有震驚與氣憤來形容我這個不備份的壞習慣。但同時也讓我深深領悟到“活在當下”這句話真正的用意。不見的這些照片之所以對我來說如此珍貴是因為那些回憶, 還有當下的情緒與感覺。所以其實我想留住的正是這些“心的記憶”。在習慣了相片庫歸零的手機裡, 我意外的感到一絲舒坦。就像松浦彌太郎在<放下包袱的輕生活練習>一書中提到的一樣:

當我了解『只要在心中擁有就夠了』, 我的佔有慾就不再強烈。丟棄不必要的情緒與欲望, 留下真正需要的寶物, 才能換得輕盈又飽滿的人生。

Why I am being so sentimental is because I just recently lost all my 5000 photos in my iPhone. For a blogger like me, its like kill-me kinda of serious to lost them. I was so angry and disappoint to myself that I didn't back them up. But after the emotions gone, I finally realized the saying in a book:

When I realized that "Only embrace them in your heart is enough", my desire of possession will be weak. Throw away unnecessary emotions and desires, keep what's mostly needed treasures, then you can earn the life that's lighter and fulfilled! 

帶著歸零的心態, 無憂無慮的像照片裡的我一樣, 上街自在走跳, 展開全新的『輕鬆』人生吧!

Com'on, let's bring the Back-to-Zero heart with you, go on the street dancing with me and say HELLO to the new delighted life thats ahead of you!!


Recommend Books

放下包袱的輕生活練習 by 松浦弥太郎

怦然心動的人生整理魔法 by 近藤麻理惠

再見,向你的雜亂人生告別 by Brooks Palmer 

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