Tuesday 25 March 2014

pieces。|| Spring Break, Shanghai。春遊漫步 ||


前幾天大家都在微信微博上討論著“國際幸福日”, 大家討論著分享著自己的幸福小祕訣。其中一個提到“計劃下次旅行”, 這個我特別有共鳴。常常讀我的文章的你們應該不難猜到我為什麼喜歡這個, 因為我愛散步, 我愛在城市裡閑晃, 也愛旅遊。(這也是為什麼這個本來應該是生活時尚的部落格, 開始慢慢偏向...生活“偶爾”時尚部落格了哈哈)其實旅行不一定要出國或是到另一個城市。雖然那帶來的興奮感與滿足感會比較大, 但其實每周末, 甚至下班後來個居住城市小漫步/ 探險也可以帶來差不多的效果。尤其在春天, 微風/陽光/沿途萬物復蘇的風景更為合適。 (今年暖得比較慢, 導致上圖中的樹木還有點沒睡醒)

Couple days earlier, people are talking about this "International Happiness Day" all over Weibo and Wechat. They shared tips and experiences, and there is one special tips that really works for me---"Plan your next trip". Some my regular reader would figure out why this one in particular, cos I love wondering, walking in a city. (That's also a reason that my lifestyle/fashion blog is turning into more lifestyle less fashion blog now) Trips are not meant to be overseas, it could be locally. Spend a weekend or an hour after work, start exploring deeply in to the city you live in can be pretty fun too. Especially in Spring, while the sun is mostly out and warm, and the flowers are blooming, it's the perfect season to plan the little trip. ( please excuse my first photo, it seems the spring is still unawake cos the weather is still pretty cold this year.)


在網路上, 雜誌上看了好多關於旅遊上海的介紹, 自己還畫了ㄧ個地圖隨身帶著, 準備來漫步上海法租界。沿著烏魯木齊中路, 一路往南發現幾家喜歡的小店, 還有沿路都有好多有著歷史意義的老洋房, 就像在戶外上了一堂建築歷史課一樣。看著這些房子跟著文化的遷移, 融入現在上海的生活中, 抑或衍生出新的生活態度, 都屬於這城市的故事, 也是歷史留給我們的小確幸。

There are quite a lot of site and magazines show you how to explore Shanghai, so I draw a little map, which is based on French Concession (my favorite area of Shanghai) and ready for an afternoon Spring wondering trip. I walk alone WuLuMuQi Mid Rd, and found some fascinated shops, and alone the way, there are lots of old buildings that contained a bit of old Western style but mixed with new modern Eastern. Love this mixture of cultures/ new and old, which create a new life style, the only kind that belong to this city. A lovely leftover Happiness that's given by the great history.


老麥雜貨店---上海市烏魯木齊中路179號/ No 179, Wulumuqi Rd, Shanghai


Zen Cafe---上海市東平路7號2樓/ 2nd Floor, No. 7 Dong Ping Rd, Shanghai 


來吧! 趁著春季陽光還不這麼刺眼, 好好享受計劃下一場旅行的過程, 來個城市小春遊吧。

So Com'on! Let's enjoy planning your next trip and get ready for lovely Spring adventure while the sun is not too hot and the weather is nice and breezy.


1984 Bookstore---上海市湖南路11號/ No. 11, Hunan Rd, Shanghai. 

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Thursday 20 March 2014

where。|| Sakura-brity, Taipei。陽明山賞花季 ||



這次回台掃墓, 跟著喜歡趴趴走的一家人去了好多地方踏青, 感受春天的美好。在寫美食部落格的表姐迷你竹推薦下, 趁著難得的陽光明媚, 來到了陽明山上的東方寺賞櫻。大片大片的櫻花與寺廟建築的襯托下, 很有日本禪道感。我真的覺得花很有感染力, 那天在東方寺旁邊有一戶人家, 看到平日也有這麼多人來賞花, 就打開他家大門給大家進去看家裡的花園。其中最壯觀的是門口一大片像屋頂的紫藤, 紫色垂落下來的小花就像瀑布一樣歡迎著大家。老爺爺像展示寶物一樣站在門口跟大家說花園內的植物都叫什麼名字, 還有大家最好奇的也是門口這株紫藤, 老爺爺說這株有16年了, 旁邊還有一株18年的。在他細心呵護下這些植物美的也讓他感到驕傲。

Every years Tomb Sweeping Day often end up with lovely spring break trip in Taiwan. My family loves blooms, so Spring is the perfect season for us to head out enjoy the nature. My lifestyle Blogger cousin, Mintcat, recommend us a fantastic spot in YangMing Mountain, near a temple there are lots of SAKURA trees that make the whole area romantically pink and with the traditional temple as the background, I can feel the zen. We went on a weekday, but that place was still packed with people. Blooms could bring people together to inspire the spirits. I believe so. The day we went, there is a host who opened his gate to allow people to enjoy and share the view of his garden. I can feel his passion and kindness thought those beautiful WISTERIA on the roof which are 16 and 18 years old. I also can feel he is very proud of those plants by the smile on his face while he answers those visitor's questions about his lovely heavenly garden.


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Thursday 13 March 2014

where。|| 禮拜文房具TOOLS to LIVEBY, Taipei ||


曾經在小學打破家裡的豬公撲滿就為了去福利社買好看的橡皮擦跟全班小朋友分享, 結果老師告訴媽媽我的“慷慨行徑”後回家就是一頓竹筍炒肉絲。看吧! 從小就是文具控的我, 最喜歡的時光就是跟老爸去逛“金石堂”, 他買書, 我買好多五顏六色的筆還有好看的筆記本。所以, 當臉書上一直頻頻出現朋友們分享“禮拜文房具”的圖片時, 我就下定決心要找到這家小店。

I used to break the piggy bank at home just to get the money and buy those cute new erasers in school and share with the whole class, it didn't end up pretty with my mom shouting screaming. But it did prove how much I am in love with stationaries. So when this shop, "TOOLS to LIVEBY"'s photo pop-up on my Facebook feed, I promised to myself I must go there next time I head back to Taiwan.


離捷運六張犁站不遠的樂利路上, 一家不起眼加上沒招牌的小店就是它。水泥地, 水泥天花板, 配上店內溫暖的黃色燈光還有溫暖的木頭大桌, 又工業又復古。

So I did, not far from the LiuZhangLi Metro Station, on Leli Rd, there is a shop that is so low key, even without any sign. But you just know that is THE SHOP. Concrete floor, concrete ceiling, with warm yellow light and wooden tables. Very nostalgia but still pretty industrial style.

tools_to_liveby03 tools_to_liveby04

裡面的商品, 光用“玲琅滿目”真的也不夠形容, 小小的店面裡放了好多驚喜, 讓人會想花上一下午的時間慢慢琢磨這些小寶物。從五顏六色的筆到...印章筆記本明信片鉛筆盒墨水削鉛筆機膠帶包裝紙便籤紙....好多好多都讓人愛不釋手。跟一般文具店最大的差別是這些商品都是文具界的小明星, 好多都是歐洲或日本知名文具廠的經典商品, 如MIDORI, 日本Marks-Ordonne-Mechanical, MARKS, 德國REDECKER....等等等, 復古感加上實用功能, 有種想跟店員說:這張桌子上的商品全部幫我打包起來的衝動呀!

The things they sell make my eyes spark once I step into the shop. So many little surprises laying on the table, and it would definitely take quit a while to go through and play those treasures in your hand. From colorful pans and pencils to stamp/ink/post cards/pencil case/tapes/memos/sharpers....so many more!! The differences between this adorable shop to normal stationary store, is that this place is full with little celebrities in the world of stationary. They are from well-known European/ Japanese suppliers like MIDORI, Marks-Ordonne-Mechanical, MARKS, REDECKER...etc. The retro design and the useful purpose makes me want to tell the shopkeeper to pack EVERYTHING on this table for me.

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來看看我很節制的都買了些什麼, TOOLS to LIVEBY的自家設計帆布袋 (聽說這是一群平面設計師開的店, 看看他們的名片跟logo不難看出他們的天賦呀!)/ 一個MARKS的印章/ 紫藍色印泥台/ Marks-Ordonne-Mechanical 紅色自動鉛筆/ 捷克KOH-I-NOOR彩色色鉛筆/  墨綠色削筆器。 不在台北的你們可以在他們的線上商店購買。還有他們的instagrm也很精彩呦!

See what I have bought under a really control. A tote bag ( I heard this shop is run by a group of illustrators, no wonder the VI looks so GOOD! )/A stamp from MARKS/ A purple blue ink/ A Marks-Ordonne-Mechanical auto pencil/ Green pencil shaper/ A colour pencil from KOH-I-NOOR. Those Lovely Goods can be found on their Online shop. And their Instagam is also very impressive and worth to check out!





| 禮拜文房具。TOOLS to LIVEBY |

台北市大安區樂利路72巷15號/ No. 15, Lane 72, Lèlì Rd, Daan District, Taipei City

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Monday 3 March 2014

trends。|| elegreen, 妝點優雅綠 ||


轉眼春天就要來了, 想用點顏色迎接春天又不想用滿大街滿秀場的粉嫩色?那就用綠色吧。同時很有氣場也很舒適, 適合現在這個一點都不暖和的早春。以前都一直介紹用盆栽/植物還有綠色果汁來妝點生活綠, 現在來分享一下如何把綠色融入在傢俱還有穿著上的靈感~

So glad that Spring is coming!! So what about wear something special instead of sweet pastel colors that can be seen everywhere. How about some green to show up your personality and cozy up with these still-pretty-cold-early-spring. I was mostly introducing Green in plants and drinks, now I would like to share some Green inspiration that apply to home decoration and everyday outfit.


粉色/裸色還有原木色跟綠色加在一起會變得很溫馨很有格調。很適合放在一個很明亮乾淨的空間裡。至於穿著, 這樣的綠色很適合皮膚白皙的女生嘗試。如果不敢大膽穿上大面積綠色的女生則可以考慮用綠色飾品(包包鞋子絲巾圍巾等)帶入點春天的氣息。

Love the pale pink/ nude and light wood colour go with Green, makes the whole image so comfortably chic. Very ideal for a clean white background space and a pale skin tone girl. However, if you are not dare to wear big piece of green, you can start with small part to highlight your outfit, like bag/scarf/ shoes...etc, and add in a breeze of Spring. elegreen05

雖然看完圖片靈感滿滿滿, 但寫完這篇後我翻了翻我的衣櫥發現我只有一條皮帶跟一條格子圍巾是綠色的....(哭)所以, 今年春天, 綠色是我的挑戰色了!

Even I am so full of ideas that inspired by those lovely images, but when I turn to my closet, I realized...I only own two pieces of green, a scarf and a belt. (tears) So, now green is officially my Spring challenging colour!

images via here here  here here here and here


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