Tuesday 26 February 2013

#13 練習 practice。


每ㄧ次的成長, 不都是好多好多的練習得到的成果。透過練習去養成的習慣還有興趣喜好, 才是為你自己量身定做的。曾經在一本書上看過, 模仿就是體驗, 至於如何演繹出自己的風格就得靠練習, 從練習中瞭解自己的特色與優勢。

Every experievences are involved with countless practices. We builded up our habits and interests upon them. A book I used to read said, to copy is to experience, but how to be inspired and then come out with new idea/ style, that's all depends on practice, practice and practice.

寫部落格也是一樣的, 雖然我現在只是“兼職”寫寫看, 但我把它當作是個練習, 相信有一天能寫出我自己的風格自己的獨特品味, 那個時候自然就會吸引到志同道合的人來欣賞或甚至模仿。所以我在每一篇發文都嘗試不同的排版, 透過這些練習來熟練發文步驟和製做圖片的技巧, 進階發展出自己獨一無二的風格。不僅如此, 我還和我妹一起入鏡, 一起練習 “習慣鏡頭” 這件事...

I figure that's the same with writing a blog, even though Blogging is like a "part-time job" to me now, but I did involved with lots of practice into it, eg trying out new layouts, and practice my skills. In order to develop my own style and taste. However, the recent practice I did with my sis was "get used to the camera"...


一直都對鏡頭比較拘謹的我, 在妹妹的指導下拍出了以上比較自然的照片...(心裡碎念: 雖不能跟網拍模特比...但為了往後的穿搭文也要拚了!) // I am always quite uncomfortable with cameras...so my sis insist to help me get loose and relaxed in front of it. The images above are the one we like.


這上下兩張“幕後花絮”完全是不顧形象的告訴大家, 所有練習都不應該只重視結果, 有沒有樂在其中, 才是練習的意義。// Then this two are those we get TOO loose and relaxed...but the thing is, within the practice, the most important thing is not the result, is HAVE FUN AND ENJOY IT. That's all it matters in any practice.




some images via Eileen's instagram

如果你在台灣, 我推薦你去買 “練習”這本雜誌。
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Saturday 23 February 2013

2013 AW RTW。|| As Child ||



It's one of the busiest season for the fashion industry, all the fashionista are all up for it, and do their best to travel in the city. (it could be really harsh when the weather is bad like this time in NYC) The images I saw in Style.com makes me wondering...


and it's super sweet to see thoughtful man did sweet thing like that : )

又來到時尚圈忙碌的季節了,所有時尚人士都忙碌穿梭於城市間 (尤其像是這次紐約下大雪, 在這樣惡劣的天氣下最為辛苦)。在Style.com上面看到這三張圖片令我不禁思索...

在時尚面前, 多數的女人都變得像孩子般任性, 柔弱吧!

只是這兩個貼心的男人讓整個畫面看起來好甜蜜 :)


image via style.com
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Sunday 10 February 2013

Holiday || Happy 2013 Chinese New Year ||


Happy Chinese New Year to my dear Readers !!!
It's the year of SNAKE!

Chinese Writing by Eileen's Dad

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Thursday 7 February 2013

#12 new year resolutions brainstorming.


"When you give yourself the gift of quietly believing in yourself, you'll love yourself."

---Callie Khouri, American Screenwriter


Starting in 2011, I wrote my 50 new year resolution every year in January. This is the third year now, and I have already feeling the happiness of truly knowing myself by those WANTS and NEEDS. However, what irritate me the most of myself is my LAZINESS. So I keep reminding myself that I have to take actions right away while I am in the mood for things. Writing this resolution list is the great opportunity for me to realise what kind of life I want to achieve, and at the end of the year I can find out how many efforts I have put in for myself.

從2011年開始我就養成在一月寫新年新希望的好習慣。現在邁入了第三年, 我慢慢能感覺到越來越瞭解自己後的幸福感跟充實感。但是從中也發現自己真正最大的惡魔就是懶惰...所以現在只要有了想法跟idea我就會強迫自己馬上執行, 當一個行動派!每年寫下來的希望, 對我來說都是面鏡子, 因為它讓知道我自己對自己的期待。到了年底後更是能透過它自省, 瞭解什麼可行什麼需要調整改進。從中, 也能感覺到自己在一年中愛自己幾分。


1. Normally write it on the back of my Moleskin additional notebook, or you can write on a small-easy-carrying notebook that can be with you all the time, in case of any pop up ideas. 一般我都把新希望寫在我Moleskin的附加筆記本裡, 或是其實你可以準備能隨身攜帶的小本子就好, 以備忽然出現新點子, 能隨時紀錄。

2. Find a quite place and set the space calm. That means you might need a nice cup of tea, a candle light or relaxed music. I don't mind if you want to do it while having a bubble bath, some people find it pretty inspiring while having a bath : ) 找一個安靜的地方讓自己放鬆, 這也就意味著你可以給自己泡杯茶, 點個香氛蠟燭或來點輕鬆的音樂。我也不介意如果你想邊洗泡泡浴邊寫, 因為有些人就是覺得在泡澡的時候靈感會莫名其妙的湧上來~哈

3. Start writing down everything you want to achieve, and try to describe it as accurate as you can. For example: I want to make at least 5 new friends this year (except colleagues) and I would say at least 50 resolutions is enough to keep your year busy. 你可以想到什麼就寫下什麼, 但試試寫得詳細一點。比如說, 我想要在一年內交到至少5個新朋友(但不包括同事)。我覺得大概寫個50個新希望就夠你忙一年了。

4. If you have no idea what to put down first, try in this order: HEALTH---> FAMILY--->DREAM/ INTEREST--->WORK--->MONEY--->RELATIONSHIPS--->FRIENDSHIPS--->TRAVEL--->MIND. 如果你不知道如何下手, 試試看以下順序:健康--->家人--->夢想/ 興趣--->工作--->金錢--->感情--->友情--->旅遊--->心靈。

5. Every month, review your list, see how it goes and by the end of the year, mark what you have achieve and what you haven't with a red pen, also write down any note/ comments you want to add on. 然後只少一個月一次瀏覽你的清單, 看看進度如何。在年底來一次大總結, 用紅筆標記什麼有完成什麼沒有, 也順便寫下心得跟結論。

The image blew is a brainstorming chart by blogger "The Decorista" , the chat like this is also a great way to record your resolution. 下面的圖片是部落客"The Decorista" 做的新希望腦力激盪圖, 用這樣的方式寫下新希望也很酷。


Well, the easy way of loving yourself is knowing yourself better, here I wish you all a pleasant/ fulfilled year of 2013, and please do your resolution list/ chart well, It certainly not a pressure task, so do not end up like this picture before (wink)

要愛自己之前當然是要完全的瞭解自己才能滿足自己, 在這裡希望大家都可以有個愉快又充實的2013年。當然也希望大家試試看寫下自己的新希望, 只是不要把它當成壓力最後變成下圖這樣才好(眨眼)

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