Tuesday 29 October 2013

|| GOOD NEWS 快報 ||


GOOD_NEWS_0 螢幕快照 2013-11-06 下午5.16.26


Com'on Eileen 現在正式成為上海時尚買手精品店XINLELU.COM 的客座blogger之一!! 以後除了可以到www.eileen-hsu.com讀到最新生活/時尚靈感外, 還可以到XINLELU.COM的部落格找到我喔。

Can't be more exciting about being a contributing blogger at the selected buyer shop in Shanghai---XINLELU.COM!! From now on, you can read Com'on Eileen's newest update in XINLELU.COM Blog as well.

點下圖去體驗XINLELU.COM的時尚潮流!Click the image below to explore the world of XINLELU.COM.

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Monday 28 October 2013

Shanghai Fashion Week。|| Qiuhao + Oasis ||



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我在英國讀大學時就知道邱昊這位畢業於聖馬丁的上海設計師, 因為一位學姊當時在他的設計室工作。對他作品的“簡潔”與“結構感”印象深刻, 還有他對於布料還有剪裁的天賦。雖然這季沒有看到太多的剪裁技巧, 但我很喜歡這次用的許多特殊且質感極好的布料跟整個系列給人優雅沈穩又寧靜的感覺。大愛那些編織在大衣, 洋裝還有包包邊邊的流蘇。白色, 灰色, 黑色還有一抹紅, 感覺是為這“二維”系列帶來點份量。就像是那些真正做事付出的人一樣, 穿的謙虛低調沈穩, 但其實做的都是大事。

I know this designer, Qiuhao,  since I was in UK, one of my senior was working with him. My impression of his work is structure and simplicity. His experiments with fabrics and tailor are talented. However I didn't see lots of structured pieces in this season, but I enjoyed the texture of the fabrics and the sophisticated and calm feelings he created in the collection. Love the tassels that weaved with the fabrics on the coats, dresses and bags. White, grey, black and the splash of red give a bit of volume into it. Like those who "do", they dress humble and calmly, but act big.



沒錯, 這一季我終於可以坐在前面看Oasis的秀了(上一季的秀場工作穿搭文), 整個心情就是很不一樣。這次的佈景還有薩克斯風手為整場秀的氣氛加分不少。不可否認印花還有顏色一直都是Oasis的強項, 但這一季看得出來他們在布料紋理還有服裝廓形上下了不少工夫。雷射切割上衣, 提花布料上印花洋裝, 蕾絲百褶及膝裙, 處處是細節。整場秀還有一個亮點, 就是把所有系列串連在一起的配件:印花楔型鞋(我好愛!)還有螢光首飾。雖然說Oasis是英國的牌子, 但從這季開始, 從倫敦到邁阿密, 也從甜美小女孩到專業上班族, 我覺得她慢慢可以滿足全世界的女孩們了!

Yes, I was sitting at the front this time at Oasis ( last season backstage working post), and it does felt completely different in a good way. The set and the saxophone player definitely surprised me.  There is no doubt that Oasis does various lovely prints and the cheerful matching colours. However this season I can see they work real hard on the texture and silhouette as well. Laser cut top, printed jacquard dress and laced pleated skirt, full of details. The whole collection was complete with matching printed wedge which I loved so much, and nylon colour accessories. Oasis is a UK high street brand, but that day, I saw a brand that could satisfied all girls around the world, from London to Miami and from sweet little girl to professional office lady.

我覺得這季在上海服裝周看的這兩場秀, 把我從 “看穿時尚走在前端的High Fashion” 帶到 “每天都可以穿上最新趨勢的High Street Fashion"。所以說不管是Less is More (少即多)或是More is Less (多即少); 時尚的肚量很廣, 你一定能找到那個非常獨一無二, 可以滿足你還可以讓你看起來...“更你自己”的風格!

So I guess, my Shanghai Fashion Week for this season was from Looking-Forward-High-Fashion to Trendy-Chic-Everyday-High-Street-Fashion. Less is More or More is Less, you make the call; because there is always a very unique style in fashion that completes you, and makes you...well...very you.


(所有的照片都是我在秀場上拍的, 比較模糊請見諒(我會努力練習的), 清楚大圖請參考OiuhaoOASIS, 謝謝。Do applogise for the blurring photos, I took them myself on the shows (will work hard on that) , want to see clear photos please go Oiuhao and OASIS. Thanks.)
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Friday 18 October 2013

London Fashion Week。|| Ji Cheng吉承 + Fashion Film Festival ||

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我一直覺得我能在倫敦看到吉承的秀是命中注定好的!我也覺得現在在讀這篇文章的你也會想我為什麼要大老遠的跑去倫敦看一個上海設計師的秀。嗯哼...作為一個旅居上海的部落客, 其實蠻榮幸可以看到上海設計師在國外努力的成果還有其中的感動。再說, 這也是我作為部落客以來第一篇時裝周回顧文(害羞), 當然要彭場華人設計師們啦!!

It's definitely the fate took me to see this brilliant Shanghainese designer, Ji Cheng's show in London. I know you, who is reading this right now might be thinking why I flew all the way to London and see a show that's from Shanghai. Oh well, as a blogger based in Shanghai, it's a honer to see how those talented designer do in London Fashion week, and also to be proud of them here.  I am also very glad that this is my very FIRST show report for my blog.

這場秀是由一個短片作為開場, 花團錦簇的花園, 紅唇, 還有高跟鞋加上中國風十足的背景和中國戲曲, 感覺好像來到中式的秘密花園一樣。當燈光再度亮起, 一位身穿紅色洋裝的模特緩緩步入T台, 就像剛剛短片裡的女主角走出銀幕似的。整個<<牡丹亭>>系列從紅黑白色系開始漸漸再轉入由薄荷綠, 米白還有亮粉色組成的柔美色系。我感覺這就像是中國女性的特有性格一樣:剛柔並濟。整個系列的廓行也延續了這樣的感覺:優雅高貴卻也細膩可愛。從連體褲, 立體花朵洋裝還有提花大衣, 用了很多柔軟布料加上特殊肌理的搭配。在細節上, 飾邊還有打結我都好喜歡; 尤其是小流蘇的細節, 細膩又有品位。(是的, 流蘇又回來了)整個系列在結尾出現了一位女歌手, 用她柔美的歌聲帶領我們再次回顧整個系列。真的是個充滿東風韻味的驚喜。

It stared with a film that filled with garden, red lips, flowers and red heels with transitional Chinese opera singing as background, which makes you feel like you just jumped into a Chinese version of secret garden. Then the light went out, came back with this model dressed in red, just like the character walked out from the film. The collection, Peony Pavilion, starts with black, red and a hint of white. then fellowed with softer colours like mint and cream white mixed with bright pink. That for me is representing Asia girls character: tough appearance and soft heart. The silhouette are elegant and playful at the same time. Like the jumpsuit, fabric flower dress and jacquard coat, with soft/light fabric mixed with textures. Details of binding and knotting are something I enjoyed very much, especially the adding of tassels, sophisticated and delicate. (and yes, tassels are back again). The collection ended with a Chinese singer with her beautiful voice came out with models, gave the show another lovely surprise.

lfw_silence_cinema01lfw_silence_cinema02lfw_silence_cinemalfw_silence_cinema03這天結束之前, 我和超級好姐妹Vivian去參加倫敦時裝周內的一個時尚電影節, 看無聲電影。(愛死Vivian讓我有這特別的一晚!! )雖然那天晚上整個冷到不行 (六度!! 典型的英國天氣...)但我們還是很開心, 有一對可愛的服務生送上的爆米花作伴, 還跟一群人一起戴上耳機看電影....真是為我的倫敦服裝周畫下完美句點。(拍手~)

At the end of the day we went to this Fashion Film Festival in St. Martin Court Yard, that also taken place during London Fashion Week with my dearest friend Vivian. (who booked it for us!! love her!!) Even that night was freezing outside, (around 6 degree only in the evening, weather in London huh?) We enjoy the film and the company of hot popcorn, served by good looking waiter and waitress, and the experience of the SILENCE film. After all, it was a great great LFW experience ever. (applause~)

BTW, 那天看的電影是1976年的“灰色花園”。 很古怪的紀錄片, 但說真的還蠻好笑的。有興趣的可以到youtubetudou看看。(我發現在2009年還有由Drew Berrymore主演的翻拍呢! herehere

BTW, the film we watched that night was "Grey Gardens" (1976). Very random documentary film I must say, but very funny indeed. See trailer youtube/ tudou. (It has a new vision by Drew Berrymore in 2009 here/ here.)
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Wednesday 16 October 2013

u are what u wear。|| Fashion week: Street Butterflies ||

lfw_street01一直都對時裝秀場外的街拍現場很感興趣, 尤其是看了時尚評論家Suzy Menkes在上一季寫的 " The Circus of Fashion"一文後更想一窺究竟。當我來到倫敦的Somerset House還有巴黎的Jardin des Tuileries, 直覺告訴我跟著攝影大叔們就對了。的確, 一個轉彎就看見一個個令人驚艷的造型還有一連串的...小跑, 擺pose, 微笑。這樣現場版的Street Peeper 或 Jak & Jil真的比在電腦前面瀏覽照片還要過癮好幾百倍!這兩個時尚城市在著裝造型上其實差異蠻明顯的。倫敦比較前衛, 充滿著個人風格。很多人看起來好像樂團裡的成員, 所有想像不到會在擺一起的東西, 被他們巧妙地融合了在身上。反之巴黎就很不一樣了, 他們把優雅推到了另一種境界:簡單大方卻處處充滿著驚豔的細節。就像雜誌社的編輯一樣:專業又直奔主題。

One of my curiosity of fashion week is the Street Snap. Especially after I read Suzy Menkes article " The Circus of Fashion" last season, I am all obsessed the SHOW before the show, and eager to see it through my own eyes. When I walked into Somerset House, London or Jardin des Tuileries in Paris, my instinct told me to fellow the photographers. People dressing up to impress the photographers: Running, Posing and Smiling. A live stream of Street Peeper or Jak & Jil is definitely way more exciting then just click through photos on website. However, the street style between this two fashionable cities is very different. London is very edgy. People put on random stuffs together, full of characters. Lots of them looks like a member from the cool bands.  As for paris, they certainly know how to dress sophistically. Very lady like, very simple but so chic and full of details, like editors from magazines: sharp and professional.


其實最讓我感受強烈的是整個時尚的能量還有她們的氣場。穿在他們身上的真的不僅僅是好看的衣服, 前衛的裝扮; 他們還穿上的強而有力的自信!自信的笑容, 自信的步伐還有自信的pose。有些人覺得這樣的他們是在炫耀或賣弄, 但把自己打扮得美美的讓人賞心悅目, 不是女人最擅長的嗎?尤其是現在勇敢表現自我的女人還能透過穿著, 給大家看到他內心強大自信的一面。時尚街拍對現在的設計師來說也是重要靈感來源之一。所以對我來說這些女人不是愛表現的孔雀, 更像是自然流露的蝴蝶。她們和時尚之間的關係就像是蝴蝶與花朵:相輔相成, 密不可分。

What overwhelmed me is the energy and the attitude. They dressed on not only with clothes, but lots of CONFIDENTS too. They smile confidently, walk confidently and pose confidently. Some people see it as showing off, but isn't that what woman do best? Showing people their beautiful side, and nowadays more inner beauty through their confidence. Now the street styles are the greatest inspiration to the designers. So I see the street style more like butterflies than peacocks. the connection between it and fashion are like butterflies to flowers, tightly connected and relied on each other.


就連我這個害羞的亞洲小女孩來到服裝周也有機會被人街拍(!!!)(本來是打算隱形專心工作的)所以每個獨特的造型, 到了時裝周都會找到屬於自己的鎂光燈的~(眨眼)

Even me (the little Asia girl trying to be invisible) got a snap from local styling website (was too surprised to focus on the name...damn). After all, they do have spotlight for everybody with every unique style. (wink)

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Wednesday 9 October 2013

pieces。||Green is the new Zen. Oct. 秋. 2013||


世界上有很大部份的人口都集中在水泥叢林的都市裡, 有其是在亞洲。匆匆路過的行人, 追求快速的社會, 還有分秒必爭的現實...我們到底都是為了什麼讓自己這麼匆忙這麼著急的生活著?難道這些就是所謂充實的人生, 抑或只是追求著能令別人羨慕的人生而已?!當我在家時, 新聞報導的都是歐洲的經濟危機有多麼嚴重多麼無助。但現在我在這邊, 我看到的不是無奈著急失落的歐洲人, 而是“繼續努力過生活”的歐洲人。雖然在酒吧餐廳或新聞裡少不了還是會聽到抱怨, 但不是反映在所有人的生活中。他們努力維持的是真正的“生活”, 那種不是為了錢或利益而生存的生活, 而是為了---在週末能躺在公園裡閱讀, 在市集裡買花聽演奏, 或是請一天假修整自己的花園---那種有和花草大自然接觸的生活。家裡的花園, 陽台上的花盆, 桌上的一束花或甚至是樓下的小公園。這一點點的花草樹木所創造的小空間小天堂, 就是他們願意花時間去充電充實自我的小天地: 把自己放空後再好好接受下一場人生中的挑戰。


Most of us are living in the concrete jungle of the cities, especially in Asia. People passing by, everything speeding up, and every second matters... But what are we seeking for within those rushing and hurrying? Are they really all meant something in our life, or meant something to the 'life' that everyone craving for?!  When I was back home, news report that the economic hit hard in Europe. But here I am, can't feel much depression on the street of London or Paris. Maybe a bit of complain in the pub/ restaurant/ news, but they go on with their LIFES. The life that really matters, not just about money, but more spiritual. You see people laying/ reading in the park, go to flower/vintage market in the weekend, or taking a day off for gardening. They enjoying their life with a bit of GREEN that reminds them this little paradise can calm them down and be prepared to the hard part of the life.

Buy yourself a beautiful bouquet/ plant, start to explore the new lifestyle with the Green Zen.




images via eileen’s instagram
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