Monday 29 October 2012

u are what u wear || dear friends/ read on ||


 After the latest fashion weeks, part from studying what's happening on the runway, I also enjoy what's off the runway. It's more interesting to see what people wearing to the shows and outside the shows, also very handy to find out what's in now. I found out that it's kinda a trend for friends to dress up for matching each others look. Could be same silhouette,  same colour tones, same styles, or even the exactly same outfit but in different colours. Either way to express your tastes and characters that are in common. A very fashionable way to show your friendship!

每每服裝秀之後, 除了研讀秀場上的新潮流行風格之外, 細細品味來自各地攝影師提供的秀場外街拍秀也是一大樂趣。因為不僅可以看到許多很有個性的造型之外, 還可以及時的感受到我們正在怎麼樣的潮流趨勢中。意外發現這幾季有許多人都會和同行的朋友在造型上“一起”下功夫:可以看到相仿的廓型, 或是同樣的色調, 或甚至是一模一樣的衣服但不同顏色的造型。不管是用什麼樣的方式去表達你們共同的風格與愛好, 這都是展現友誼最時尚的方式!

PS. Also found out how attractive to read or even holding a book in Paris! so girl, please do read on...!!! Do something good for your inner beauty. :)

PS. 其中還發現在巴黎, 這樣隨處可見, 讀著或拿著一本書的女孩是多麼迷人!(陶醉)所以...女孩們!多跟書做朋友吧, 讓你同時沈浸在外在和內在的美好!

image via here

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Saturday 6 October 2012

vola! outfit # 4 || on/ off layback style. ||

When I don't have much inspiration and ideas on my daily outfits, I always go for simple &chic style. Shirt with jeans or t-shirt with heels. Easy to transfer from busy working day to relaxing drinking/dinning evening. Focusing on one colour, and keep the rest black and white or navy. There is no need to dress up all the time, sometimes a lazy look like this can be quite Parisianly chic.

當我在穿搭上沒有了靈感或創意時, 我常常就會換上一些簡單基本的款式。像是襯衫配牛仔褲, 或是簡單的t-shirt加上高跟鞋。這樣的裝扮反而常常讓我很輕鬆的從忙碌的工作時數後, 簡單自在的轉換到放鬆的聚餐小酌。將整體視覺重點專著在一個顏色上, 再用白/黑或是海軍藍來襯托。其實真的不用天天精心打扮, 偶爾這樣偷懶一下也可以蹦出有如巴黎慵懶風格的驚喜火花。


  1. TOP,boutique shop in shanghai。LEGGING JEANS, uniqlo。BAG, h&m。SANDALS, zara。SHADES, kroea。

  2. TOP, uniqlo。JEANS, h&m。HEELS, dress code。NECKLACE, topshop。BAG, h&m。

  3. SHIRT, doota/korea。JEANS, topshop。Bag, longchamp。FLATS, asos。

  4. DRESS, shatzy chen。JEANS/BELT, dress code。BAG, urban outfitters。SHOES, converse。




images via eileen’s instagram
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Thursday 4 October 2012

u are what u wear#5 || Kasia Struss 7 days, 7 looks 名模七日穿搭日記 ||

"Rule-breakers and style-setters, these women were utterly diverse, yet they shared one common passion - Paris, the world's headquarters of femininity."

— Lucinda Holdforth

“打破原則和引領風尚, 這些女性獨特的人生故事並非單獨存在的特例, 而是跨越時空,相互連結,彷彿一條條織就了整個巴黎故事的絲線。”

露辛達. 赫德佛斯

Polish Model, Kasia Struss styles 7 looks in Vogue Paris. In those photos, she successfully styles herself in the spirits of a modern Parisian woman. Simple silhouettes with Baroque style prints or stunning accessories. Designed pieces mixed with high street essentials, very free style, very easy going and very European. Parisian's taste can not be trained in just few days, it's within their life styles, in their culture and also in the confidence that they earned from keep finding the inner self.

波蘭名模Kasia Struss在Vogue Paris 裡演繹巴黎女孩的七日穿搭。時而慵懶, 時而高貴,又時而個性, 簡單大方的廓形加上巴洛克感十足的印花,亦或低調奢華的飾品; 將巴黎的風格精髓表現得淋漓盡致。精品質感平價慵懶的混搭, 透露出歐洲女性個性上的隨性自然。巴黎女人的品味完全不可能是三兩天造就而成的, 而是從小耳濡目染, 還有透過城市的文化渲染, 再加上對“自我”的追求所衍生出的自信和自在。

images via here.

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