Monday 30 July 2012

#9 easy pleased.

easy pleased, I guess it's my favourite attitude for life.

隨意的小確幸, 我想這是我對待生活的態度裡最喜歡的一個。

For last few days, Shanghai has been really hot and sunny. I was amazed by the beautiful painting that was made by the nature with just simply clouds and blue sky. Reminds me the beautiful memories in London, how we love to picnic in the park, under the sky like this.

這幾天上海的天氣豔陽高照。只有簡單的藍天白雲,我被那大自然所創作的美景震驚了。讓我忍不住懷念曾經在倫敦公園裡同樣的美景下, 午後悠閒野餐。

I like this easy pleased moment, so pure, so unexpected.

喜歡這種隨意的小確幸, 簡單卻又出乎意料。

images via eileen's instagram (you can fellow me on instagram! by searching...."auberleen")

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Tuesday 24 July 2012

there。|| Louis Vuitton 上海之家開幕展覽 Shanghai Maison Grand Opening Exhibition ||

When it comes to travel, who can do it exclusively than Louis Vuitton? Walking through the exhibition that's hold in Plaza 66 in Shanghai, it feels like having a luxury time travel with Louis Vuitton. From dinning case, special Barbie case to a giant case that can contain lots of shoes. Anything you want to take with you, you can have exquisite case for it.

當你說到旅行, 有哪個品牌可以像Louis Vuitton這樣獨特又經典呢?當我走進在恆隆廣場中庭的展覽時, 我感覺就像是和Louis Vuitton來了一段奢華的時光旅行。從細緻的餐具皮箱, 芭比娃娃專屬的展示箱, 到一個可以裝進好多雙鞋子的超大箱子。所有你想在旅程中帶著的東西, 全部都可以有個專屬的貼心皮箱。

However, last week, Louis Vuitton took all the models in the 2012AW collection with its antique express train from Paris to Shanghai. It was one of the biggest fashion event in China. Not only celebrating Louis Vuitton Shanghai Maison Grand Opening in Plaza 66, but also the brands 20th anniversary in China.

上週Louis Vuitton就把穿著2012AW新款的模特兒從巴黎坐著品牌的古董火車來到了上海, 舉行了一場在中國獨一無二的服裝秀。這不僅僅是為了慶祝在恆隆廣場新開幕的上海Louis Vuitton之家, 更是慶祝這個品牌在中國的第20年。

You can see the show from the Website, and if you are now in Shanghai, don't miss the  chance for Louis Vuitton to amuse you. The exhibition is taken place till 15th of Aug, 2012.

如果你對這場時裝發佈會有興趣的話可以上這個網站看當時的現場直播。而如果你正好在上海, 請不要錯過這個可以讓你圍繞在 Louis Vuitton古董皮箱中的好機會。展覽一直到八月十五結束。

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Sunday 22 July 2012

yumm。|| Starbucks Milk Foamer。星巴克奶泡機。||

The most exciting thing I bought in Tokyo is this milker foamer! I'm not a coffee person, but I can't live without tea. I really love the thick milk I got in the shops, so why not make it at home with any kind of tea I love! Traditional English Tea/ Earl Gary/ Lady Gary/ name it. With this beautiful white smoothy milk lid, who won't enjoy it?

我想這個奶泡機應該是我在東京買到最興奮的東西了。我不太喝咖啡, 但我離不開茶。尤其是在咖啡店裡那種有著厚厚奶泡在上面的茶。一直在找一個完美的奶泡機可以讓我天天在家就可以喝到完美奶茶, 還可以每天換不同的茶:傳統英式/伯爵茶/女仕伯爵/印度茶...等等等等等。

Look at the photos I took, it's not only can put into the microwave to heat the milk (only the glass cup), but also can make the milk so thick and puffy in just 30 sec!!!! Isn't it the perfect cheering up drink for every morning.

這款奶泡機不但可以直接放進微波爐裡加溫 (只有玻璃杯可以), 還可以再短短30秒內就把奶泡打的又細又綿又多!!是早晨最好的元氣飲料!



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Friday 20 July 2012

u are what u wear #4

 dress code top /  h&m x marni scarf / h&m tote bag/ uniqulo red belt/ index dots wild leg trousers/ lunch box.

Haven't you heard people telling you that you should enjoy the precious time you are having now when you are in the university? However, I didn't really get it, and was wondering what's wrong with the "adults world". But since im now in it, I can not agree with them more.

在你大學畢業前是否有聽過別人告訴你要你好好珍惜現在無憂無慮的大學時光?當時的我總是不懂, 大人的世界真的那麼複雜難懂嗎?但現在我完完全全明白這其中的無奈。

You start meeting different people from different backgrounds, it does enlarge your point of views but also enlarge the confusion of this world. I used to give a lot of deep thought about it, but in the end i think what the famous british poster said, KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON, does make a very clever point.

你開始慢慢接觸到各式各樣背景不同的人, 雖然這樣擴展了你的視野和你的想法, 但同樣也開始冒出許許多多的疑慮與困惑。我曾經沉思曾經想要瞭解探討, 但最終還是覺得就如那張英國有名的海報說得一樣, KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON---唯有保持冷靜才能繼續前進。(如果有更好的翻譯請不要害羞跟我說喔~)

The "sailor chic" style is something I came up when I saw this delightful image of this lovely girl who has her scarf joint with her top and create this sunny-lively look. We shall just be brave as the sailors to be capable with the challenges that's ahead of us!

這次的“別緻海軍”風格, 就是有感而發的從這位甜美又雅致的女生在自己的衣領上面, 用絲巾做了很有巧思的小細節 。我們應該效仿一下海軍, 在謎一樣的大海中, 很勇敢的面對所有即將迎來的挑戰!


images via pinterest/ eileen's instagram
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Sunday 8 July 2012

where。|| Tokyo 東京 ||

" the rooftop forest-like sartbucks"

Even we didnt have proper japanese cuisine, we didnt take the subway, but we can be so easily wooooed by only walking down the streets. Everything surprised us! Like little things in the shops/ how people dressed on the street (i would never get bored by standing and staring!) / the service they provide. Let me tell you, there are no other city that is as thoughtful, as caring the details as Japanese does. Everything is as wonderful as it present and functioned. (maybe some of the invention are not that necessary. )

雖然旅程中沒吃到經典的日式料理, 也沒有搭道地鐵, 但是我們這次的旅程光走在街上就處處都是驚喜。像是店裡賣的小東西/ 街上人們的穿著 (我可以站一天看一天都不會覺得無聊!)/還有他們的完美服務態度。完完全全可以說沒有其他國家的人可以像日本一樣這麼貼心這麼注意細節!所有我們看到的東西都是如此完美的呈現就如同那令人驚喜的功能一樣。(好啦真的不是每樣東西都那麼值得被發明,還是有多餘得很離譜的...)

Again, if I can come here again, I will be happily get lost in this fascinating city like TOKYO.

再一次的希望可以再回到東京, 下次我一定要試試看在這個城市裡迷路一下。一定會留下很多美好回憶。

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where。|| Seoul 首爾 ||

"the hardcore team"

"the late nite shopping center"

It was a "storm like" business buying trip and I really didnt have time to explore the city. After all, Seoul is a mega city that people works really hard and  their fashion has absolutely surprised me. Really hope I can have a historical trip next time, to get to know the culture better.

這次的出差屬於旋風式的。完全沒有時間去探索這個城市。唯一給我的印象就是韓國人工作真的很辛勤, 那裡的時尚果真令人讚賞。真的很希望下一次可以好好的來個文化之旅, (或是美食之旅也不賴哈)

We were happy with all the shopping we did. Very satisfactory.


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