Saturday 30 June 2012

u are what u wear #3

via pinterest

Have just been through a tough week after the business trip. So much to do and so little time. I put the thumbs up images from Marc johns as my desk top. Cheers me up every time i look at it.

出差回來後的一個禮拜每天忙得不可開交, 事情好多時間好少。所以我把電腦桌面改成了Marc Johns的大拇指, 至少看到這張圖時可以露出點笑容。

It was a "Wearing blue, but not feeling blue" week. Turns out blue can be a quite confident colour for me (smile)

這是個 ”一點都不憂鬱的藍色裝扮“ 週, 其實我發現藍色好像可以為我帶來點成熟穩重的自信感呢!(笑)ps.還能修飾小肥肉


MON:  uniqlo denim dress & red belt/  h&m red flower in the pocket /mary katrantzou longchamp/h&m blue canvas lace-ups

TUE:  Zara shirt / uniqlo shorts/ h&m necklace/ mary katrantzou longchamp/ white all star

WED:  shirts from seoul/ black zara pants/ h&m tote bag/ charles & keith lofter

THU:  uniqlo t-shirts & yellow skirt/ dress code (taipei) belt / h&m tote bag/ zara denim wedges

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Friday 15 June 2012

corners。|| dreamy working desk。完美專屬工作桌。||

I have this strange habit that I cant focus when my working desk is a mass. I like tidy up a bit before I start doing the things. (sometimes takes 1-2 hours...)I also LOVE to make it personal by putting photos/flowers/little personal deco stuffs.

我一直都有這樣的強迫症:在坐下來工作前一定要把工作桌整理整齊一下。(有時候會花掉我1-2個小時...)我也很愛把整個桌子弄的很私人, 像是放上照片還有花跟一些私人小裝飾品。

I know it's still really far from the day having my own studio, so imaging having a huge perfect desk of my own is more realistic.


huge desk + a wall full of frames and photos + enough storage space +comfy chair + a beautiful bouquet + natural lightening


When I was in Uni, the flat we rented has massive rooms that's enough for filling my needs.

以前大學時代由於房間夠大, 可以滿足我的需要。

Now my office is a bit small, but I've done my best to set it into the way i wanted to be.

現在的辦公桌雖然空間比較小, 但我還是很努力的在這上面營造出我想要的完美空間。

牆上的滿滿的圖片, 時時刻刻給我豐富的靈感還有美好的回憶。

Love the wall that covered with images, gives me inspiration all the time, and remind me all the great memories I had.

Always have a bit of green that keeps my calm and refreshed.

一直覺得桌上的綠化很重要。賞心悅目放鬆精神外, 還有吸輻射的功能。

After I've create the space into my very own atmosphere, I feel really proud of myself when I finally sit down read or work. Reflects the way you take care of yourself and respect yourself into affectional works!

營造這樣的空間, 最大的成就感莫過於,坐下來喝茶看書或工作時感受到對自己的呵護與尊重。做起事情都會特別特別有效率!

images via pinterest/ the decorista/ eileen's instagram

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Sunday 10 June 2012

pieces。|| wondering Shanghai。漫步上海。may.夏.2012 ||


I love wondering in the city that I am living in. I sometimes believe that the beauty of the city is on the street.


Shanghai, for me is full of various cultures and makes me feel really curious about it. I feel like it's a lady in a very fancy Qipao.

對我來說, 充滿文化衝擊的上海,總是令我十分好奇。有時讓我覺得她就像是一位穿著優雅旗袍的女人。

This lady has very classic appearance. She wears Qipao all the time, but when you look close to the detail, it somehow adopted some elements from the west. Maybe the cutting, or the print. Make her look modern but still classic.

她雖看似古典優雅, 但是仔細看看她的旗袍就能發現有著很多西方的影子。可能是剪裁可能是印花, 都讓她看起來多添加了一點摩登時尚的氣息。

She loves making friends from all over the world. She is always open mind and curious about everything, but she can be quite conservative in the way of thinking and traditions. Because after all, she is a Lady.

她很愛交朋友, 世界各地的朋友。在這典雅的外表下其實是充滿著好奇心跟能夠接受所有文化的廣大胸懷。但是其實在某些程度上還是十分保守內向的。誰叫她怎樣都還是個有家教的東方女性。(這裡形容的是上海這個城市, 不完完全全是指上海女人)

Why I see Shanghai more like a woman than a men, probably because it's a city that can be so relax and sentimental, also elegant and careless. Like all of us. Very Contradiction.

為什麼我說上海就像是個女人而不是男人, 可能因為這個城市給我的感覺時而放鬆時而感性, 有時優雅但也有時粗獷。就像我們所有女人一樣, 十分矛盾。

So Cheers Shanghai, hope I can know you better one day.




images from eileen's instagram.
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Sunday 3 June 2012

u are what u wear#2 || a vintage/naive weekend 好復古的週末 ||

It was National Children's Day last friday, and I was doing a little shopping after work in Uniqlo. All of the sudden, I saw this mustard yellow skirt and I cant take my eyes off her. (or off the "on sale" tag...) When I putted it on, feels like back in high school again. (even I was wearing white shirt with pink trim and pink skirt for my high school uniform.)

上星期五是大陸的兒童節, 下班後我犒賞自己走進Uniqlo逛逛。一條芥末黃短裙令我目不轉睛的盯著看 (還是我是目不轉睛的看著折扣標籤?!)到試衣間換上後, 看著鏡子裡的我好像回到的高中時代。(雖然我們當時的制服是全身粉紅...)

dots navy shirt---Uniqlo優衣庫深藍點點襯衫// mustard yellow pleated skirt---Uniqlo優衣庫芥末黃百褶裙// dots navy socks---uniqlo優衣庫點點短襪// belt---topshop復古皮帶// bag---Longchamp x Mary Katrantzou

In the weekend, I can't wait to put it on and have little nice date with my sister and Shanghai.


The sun came out that day, made my skirt and new lover Longchamp (crossed over with Mary Katrantzou) look so shining! With my belt and my oxford, siting under the sun drinking tea....felt like back to UK!

那天太陽好大, 把我的小黃裙跟新到手的Longchamp照得好亮眼~加上我最愛的咖啡色皮帶跟舒適牛津鞋, 在豔陽下喝著茶...感覺好像回到了英國!

oh well, time does fly. As long as the good memories are kept and bad are erased, we shall move on and shine.

喔~時光飛逝...(老人附身)只要留下美好的回憶, 擦去所有不愉快, 日子還是一樣可以過得光彩奪目的。


images from eileen's iphone (instagram & 玩圖)
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