Monday 26 November 2012

where。|| demo cafe, shanghai ||

This winter in shanghai came out of nowhere. Without warning, just freezing wind and falling leaves. Wondering on the street seems silly, jumping into a nice cafe is the only choice. Old flat, 3 floors, little balcony and hot foods are exactly what we needed. The food is pretty creative, Japanese or European, like a little relaxing restaurant more than a cafe. I had japanese rice in tea and fried chicken. Yummmm, but pretty pricy. So I would recommend u bring your ipad/ laptop, cos u can use the free wifi here, to enjoy the nostalgia/ relaxed afternoon and won't feeling guilty about the pricy foods/ drinks.

在這個毫無預警就來到的冬天裡, 走在冷風中散步不僅沒詩意還顯得有點傻氣, 這時候走進一家有特色的咖啡廳看似是個聰明的選擇。老公寓, 三層樓加上小陽台還有熱呼呼的食物正是我們需要的冬季邂逅。這裡除了供應一般歐式餐點外, 還有一份深夜食堂的菜單(這份菜單平日只有晚上才有, 但只要開口問, 有些簡單的餐點還是可以在白天供應的)那天我就點了一份梅子茶泡飯還有炸雞塊。好好吃~但是有點貴...所以我建議挑個空閒下午, 帶上ipad或電腦來, 因為這裡免費供應無限網路, 這樣就不會覺得消費過高了。(這是什麼糙市場阿嬤心態哈哈)

— demo cafe —

No.139, XingAn Road, SHANGHAI


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Sunday 18 November 2012

corners。|| the wall ||

Not a big fan of completely off white walls, back in uk, i always photocopied beautiful images out of uni library, or a bit of memories and place them on my walls that also has a vintage like, velvet touch wallpaper. So that room would looks more like my cup of tea. Wallpaper would be a great choice to express your personality. Not to mention, as i wrote before, COLLAGE is my habit, but i didn't limit it on the paper, I also love it to be create on the wall.  With a bit of ribbons or tapes to create the frame and thats how i add a bit of fun to the wall.

一直都不是四面白牆的愛好者, 早在英國留學期間就喜歡從圖書館找一些藝術家獲攝影師的作品, 回家後把他們貼到很復古又有絲絨觸感的壁紙上。透過拼貼, 我可以慢慢拼湊出我內心期望的小世界。就像我之前寫過, 我喜歡剪貼, 但不僅僅只是表現在紙上, 搭配著家裡喜歡的家居和壁紙, 在牆上感覺會有更多靈感。加上緞帶和紙膠帶至造出來的相框, 為整面牆更增添了一點點樂趣。

Why not try it yourself like i did and share it with me : )

動起來自己做一個靈感牆或回憶牆, 然後跟我一起分享吧 (點頭微笑)


images via here and here
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Tuesday 6 November 2012

pieces。||the autumn story。oct.秋. 2012 ||


This autumn, fulfilled me. Surrounded with things I am passionated about: fashion/ food/ culture/ book. Things that I can't live without. Suddenly I feel grateful of my life now. If it's a book, it must contained so many colourful images than just texts. I also think Autumn is the perfect season to be calm, be cozy and think about what you have. The warm colours, a cup of hot tea and soft blanket, what a marvellous season to be graceful to everything before the pure white winter!

這個秋天, 我感到十分充實。被自己喜歡的事物圍繞是再幸福不過了事了!時尚, 美食, 文化, 書本...全在這個美麗的季節裡令我陶醉不已。最近我開始感到自己十分滿足現在的生活, 如果我的人生是一本書的話, 我相信一定是圖片大大多於文字。我也相信秋天是個十分適合反省沈思的季節, 溫暖的色調, 熱熱的茶, 柔軟的毯子...真是個平靜舒適的季節去感激現在所擁有的, 去蕪存菁自己腦袋裡的思緒, 等著迎接冬季的到來~


Eileen is wearing....TRENCH, zara。TOP, zara。SKIRT, h&m。BAG, longcharmp。BOOTS, h&m。BELT, dress code。NECKLACE, accessories。

Eileen's little sister,Trista is wearing....SWEATER, uniqlo。TROUSERS, uniqlo。NECKLACE, h&m。SHOES, converse。
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