Friday 18 April 2014

Shanghai Fashion Week || Oasis Sweetheart ||





2014秋冬上海服裝周來了呦, 這次還是很榮幸被OASIS邀請前往觀秀。(謝謝辛苦的小夥伴們! )這次的秀和往常ㄧ樣很實穿很甜美, 雖然沒有很多大起大落或驚喜, 但是整場秀看下來還是讓人很有購物衝動。從一開始的波普藝術彩色點點禮服, 到後面充滿馬卡龍色的甜滋滋洋裝/皮草/大衣, 就像OASIS專屬的女孩樂園。這次沒有太多的印花, 重點移到了細節還有輕快的色彩節奏上。不難看出這個品牌在系列感還有造型上一季比一季用心。黃色/粉紅色/淡藍色在最後一張圖看起來很和諧, 讓我聯想到小時候喜歡坐的旋轉木馬的顏色 。另外一個我喜歡的地方是這次的秀場髮型。很像茉莉公主的頭髮, 跟有點運動風的高筒襪及拼色坡跟鞋搭起來還莫名的甜美討喜耶! 對於OASIS甜心系列的點評就在這告一個段落啦, 希望下次服裝周可以順利申請到媒體証, 讓你們可以看到更多的上海時尚文化。(下篇預告:新天地時裝周穿搭文)

Here comes the fashion week in Shanghai for 14'AW. As usual I am posting this Oasis's show as I have been passionately invited to. (Thank you my dear friends for having me and catching up) I enjoyed most of the show, even though there is no much surprises. Starting with the POP ART poka-dots gown, and gradually into the adorable OASIS fantasy. There are no prints go wild and everywhere this season, but more of the details and colour-harmony instead. However, the styling and the rhythm of the collection is getting stronger every year.  Yellow/ Pink/ Baby Blue together with white and black remind me of happy marry-go-round little porny colors. Love the Indian Princess like Hair style, goes pretty well with those sweet-sporty outfits. This show is definitely a experience of darling OASIS wonderland for all of us. Well, hopefully next time I would be lucky enough to get the press pass for the Fashion Week, so you guys can have more bit of Shanghai Fashion culture.  ( Stay tuned for next Xintiandi Vola! Outfit)


CHEERS to those hard work Oasis Sweetheart, the superb design team.



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Monday 14 April 2014

there。|| Party with Paul Smith, Shanghai 靜安嘉里中心Paul Smith 開幕晚 會。||


我必須要承認, 收到朋友邀請來這個開幕酒會我的第一反應居然是..好耶! 雞尾酒趴!...我知道, 非常不專業的反應。但你看看現場這些可口的雞尾酒, 香檳, 印有Paul Smith的馬卡龍, 你就知道了。這些大名牌真的知道怎麼討好客人/媒體們。這次是Paul Smith在靜安嘉里中心的新店開幕。兩層樓的店鋪除了有著最新春夏系列的男女裝之外, 還有好多經過精心搭配過的裝飾品, 像是上圖中的相片/海報牆, 還有水晶燈跟樓梯前方的花朵裝飾窗。都十分的Paul Smith。

Ok, I must admire that my first reaction to this opening party was...wooo COCKTAILSSS, and it's very unprofessional. but see what we got: champaign, yum finger foods, cocktailsss, macaroon, those posh party does know how to make their guests happy. The new opening of Paul Smith store is in Jingan Kerry Center, a new iconic department store in Jingan, Shanghai. The store has two floors, filled not only with lovely new Paul Smith collections, but also very adorable decorations. (like the photo wall in the picture above, the chandelier, and the floral reflection window, all very Paul Smith indeed. )


想到Paul Smith, 就會聯想到彩色條紋跟紳士。但當天晚上我沒有看到太多的彩色條紋, 我卻看到不少的紳士還有...白色! 有白色牛仔褲/白色裙子(我!)/ 白色外套/ 白色襯衫...好多白色。不確定這是不是有寫在邀請函內的dress code, 但是我必須說, 這些穿白色的賓客, 不管是龐克白, 氣質白, 還是性感白, 都跟店內的陳列氛圍還有空間的留白很搭。這種不約而同真是妙不可言呀。

When you think of Paul Smith, you think of colorful strips and proper gentleman. That night I didn't find much strips, but did see lots proper gents and...lots of WHITE. White skirts (like mine), white jeans, white coat and white shirts. Not sure if its the dress code, but all the white goes super well with its style, punk/elegant/sexy, also pretty matchy with the store display.

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來了來了, 那天的重點...保羅. 史密斯 先生也有在現場喔! (在英國五年沒看到, 結果跑來上海見面, 緣分呀緣分 哈哈)(看到本人的當下:內心尖叫, 外表冷靜裝酷)Paul Smith本人十分友善, 完全沒有傳奇設計師的架子, 對所有索照索簽名的嘉賓都說:ABSOLUTELY!(中文我翻:當然沒問題)再喝了不知道多少香檳後的我, 帶著勇氣也前往會見大師。 只想遠遠跟他微笑點頭的計劃, 在酒精還有朋友鼓勵下, 我不僅讓他在我的木頭手機殼上簽下大名 (他的簽名真的好好看! )還要到了自!拍!照!掌鏡人還是保羅本人! 玩心很重的他連續拍了四張, 當下讓我受寵若驚到花容失色。(見最後一張照片你就知道)

And here comes the spotlight : Paul Smith himself was there that night !! (I was screaming inside, but acting super cool outside) He was super super nice, said ABSOLUTELY to everyone who want to take a picture with him or get a signature. Luckily, after I don't know how many champagnes, I get braver and got myself BOTH of his signature and a crazy FOUR selfies with him!! I know I should tell him how lovely his collection is and we are having a great night, something polite like that, but as you can see from my forth selfie, I was so shocked.


那晚我和我的女孩們(還有一位剛認識的紳士)有了永生難忘的一晚, 必須必須謝謝好朋友Yilei 的邀請我這小部落客出席這麼難得的派對。作為我的親愛讀者的你們也才能讀到這篇文章, 一起感受設計師Paul Smith的友善和創意。(一二三一起說:謝謝Yilei !!!)

I thank the girls for inviting me that night, especially Yilei, who give a small blogger like me and marvelous readers like you, to see the BIGGER world. (1.2.3 say THANK U YILEI) Me, girls, and super nice legend Paul Smith had a great great night. (look at my satisfied and tipsy smile, haha)


tank top: H&M  |  skirt: ZARA  |  long navy cardigan (I tied a knot on my waist)  : H&M  |   Belt : UNIQLO X INES DE LA FRESSANGE  |  mini clutch : C&A  |  red heels : SHIATZY CHEN


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Monday 7 April 2014

where。|| Merci, 巴黎法式生活概念店, Paris ||


巴黎是一個很會說故事的城市, 從夜晚巴黎鐵塔下的浪漫華爾茲到莎士比亞書店裡的偶遇, 多少旅人是為了這城市說出的愛情故事/優雅女子而前往朝聖。 在街上, 老式的百貨/ 零售小店已經不能滿足現代人的渴望與需求。尤其在歐洲, 你會賣東西已經不重要了, 你需要會說故事; 說對生活美好憧憬的故事。所以現在在巴黎, 那句名言應該已變成, ‘如果我不在咖啡廳, 我就是在去往concept store的路上。’

Paris, a city that is good at telling stories. From romantic waltz under the Eiffel Tower, to bump into the love of your life in Shakespeare & Company, how many of us visit this city just because of its love stories and those slim elegant women. On the street, traditional department store and retail shops are not enough to satisfy modern customers' need and want for better lifestyle. Especially in Europe, you have to be a better story-teller than a ordinary shop assistant.  So I guess now in Paris, the saying is become like this: ' “When I’m not at the coffee house, I’m on the way to the Concept Store.”



巴黎有兩家十分知名的概念店 (Concept Store)一個是走在時尚和潮流尖端的Colette, 另一個就是引領生活潮流美學的Merci. 由著名法國童裝Bonpoint的創辦人Cohen夫婦創辦的買手概念店在2009年開幕。把時尚結合慈善是Merci最吸引人的點, 也是為什麼店名是法文中"謝謝"的意思。來這裡消費不僅能幫助他人, 還能降低購物的罪惡感(笑); 人人都能盡點心意當個無名英雄, 這不是一舉數得嗎?

There are two popular Concept Stores now in Paris, Trendy Colette and Tasteful Merci. Opened in 2009, by Bonpoint's founder Mr& Mrs Cohen. Merci, the buyer Concept Store is well known for its Fashion x Charity. It also why the shop called Merci (meaning Thank you in French) because things you buy in the shop, they donate part of the income to the charity, that makes every customer an anonymous hero and lower our guilt while we shop ( hahaha, isn't it fantastic! )


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這家店吸引人的點不僅僅只是慈善, 最大的魅力還是整家店營造出來的氛圍。跟一般商店不同的地方, 它會跨界透過與設計師/藝術家的合作, 打造出每季不同的形象概念, 然後有相關的主打商品圍繞著主題販售。這保證了你每次來這家店不但有新的商品也會有新的心情。(就連他們門口的招牌小紅車也會因為不同的形象有不同的裝扮, 我們那時候去是跟另一個品牌SWILDENS合作, 所以走印第安風的小紅車上插著好多飛鏢)

It's definitely not the charity part attract us, the biggest charm is from the atmosphere it create in the shop. Unlike other stores, it makes the whole space like an art exhibition by changing installation every month and cooperated with well known artist and designers. The concept will be all over the store with display and the things they sell. So that's guarantee that every time you visit, there must be something new and refreshing. (Also for their iconic RED CAR that park in the front of the shop. Last time we went, there is a cross over with a brand called SWILDENS, so the car was decorate with lots of darts, super cute! )

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有著三層樓的寬敞購物空間, 從服飾家居到設計師作品什麼都有, 生活品味縮影隨處可見。累了還可以到像是圖書館的一樓咖啡廳, 或是二樓沙發區稍作歇息。其中我最愛的還是地下一樓的生活小物區。有簡單設計但品質極好的生活用品, 也有設計特殊的有趣小物, 每樣都想去感受質感或是把玩一番。在這層樓可以看到一家人圍著一樣東西發想其用途, 笑聲不斷, 整個挑高的優雅空間頓時溫馨了起來。

With three floors shopping space, from housewear, home deco to fashion designer brands, covered with tasteful and playful stuffs. If you feeling tired while you shop, there is a library-like cafe on the ground floor and a sofa area on the 1st floor. My favorite spot is the lower ground floor that is full with fun little things and quality home products, all of them makes you want to touch, feel and play. You can definitely hear laughter in this floor, just like the family I saw, who were beside a display desk and brainstorming what can the object do. That made the whole space so homy and cosy.


那天我們是週六的傍晚, 接近他們打烊時間前往的, 裡面還是十分多人。許多都是一家大小一起前往, 其中還有不少穿著十分有型的人。 站在一個角落看著這些時髦的人們也是一大收獲。下次的巴黎之旅一定會再度光顧Merci, 並且要留個大半天給它, 優雅的在樓下咖啡廳裡看書看人收集好品味。

The day we went was Saturday afternoon, just before it closed, but the shop is still packed with people. Quite a lot of them are families, some of them are really chic and stylish. Just stand or sit in a corner and watch those people passing by is quite enjoyable in Merci. Next time I am definitely going to spend whole afternoon there,  drinking tea in the cool kids cafe and collecting parisian taste.


想要前往的你們可以先上官網或是Facebook看看近期合作的品牌或藝術家是誰。最近一整個月的是和園藝師David Jeannerot打造的夢幻小花園~“ LES MAUVAISES GRAINES ENVAHISSENT MERCI” (咦!小紅去哪兒了?)

If any of you is interesting heading there, do check their website or Facebook for a heads up what's going on in the store. Now in April, they are having gardner David Jeannerot's fancy little garden called “ LES MAUVAISES GRAINES ENVAHISSENT MERCI”. (but where is the iconic lille RED? )



111 Boulevard Beaumarchais, 75003 PARIS

METRO: Saint Sébastien-Froissart, Line 8

MON-SAT/ 10AM-7PM    

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