Monday 30 December 2013

yumm。|| Turkey Leftover TURNOVER ||

不管是聖誕還是感恩節一定都少不了火雞大餐, 剛烤出來的火雞讓人垂涎三尺, 但剩下來的火雞肉真的會讓人避而遠之。不想要吃隔夜乾乾癟癟火雞肉的我, 決定把它們一次做成兩種料理, 冷藏起來分好幾天享用。

Either Thanks Giving or X'mas, we can't really celebrate them without big yummy roast TURKEY. Only just picturing it makes my mouth watering. However, the leftover can really turn the heaven into a nightmare. In order not to eat the dry boring turkey meat or make it into ordinary sandwiches, I decided to make it into two dishes that will last a couple more days in the fridge whenever I fancy them : )



一個馬鈴薯 切塊/ 一個紅蘿蔔 切塊/ 半個洋蔥 切片/ 3個大蒜 切碎/ 2條新鮮辣椒 切碎 (可不加)/ 兩杯雞高湯(或水)/ 大蒜黃油(或一般黃油)/ 6個咖喱塊/ 一碗撕碎的火雞肉

1. )放入黃油, 洋蔥, 大蒜, 辣椒炒香後, 加入紅蘿蔔跟馬鈴薯。Heat the pan with Garlic Butter, then toss Onion/Garlic/ Chill into the pan until fragrant.

2. )放入火雞肉拌炒。 Toss in teared Turkey.

3.)加入兩杯高湯(或水)等沸騰, 放入咖喱塊。燉煮5分鐘後即可上桌!  Add two cup of Chiken Stock (or water) and add Curry Cube when its Boiling. stew it for 5 min, then serve with some rice.



一顆白花椰菜 切塊/ 8-10個紐扣蘑菇/ 很多很多查達芝士 磨碎/ 半顆洋蔥 切丁/ 2顆大蒜 切碎/ 兩條新鮮辣椒 切碎 (可不加)/ 一罐去皮番茄罐頭/ 大蒜黃油 (或一般黃油)/ 兩碗螺旋義大利麵/ 一碗撕碎的火雞肉

1.) 在鍋子裡放入4杯水, 待滾後, 加入少許鹽跟2碗螺旋義大利麵。烤箱預熱200度20分鐘。Put 4 cups of water in a pan and bring to boil. Put in some salt and the Fusillis in. Pre-heat the oven 200 degree 20 mins.

2.) 放入黃油, 洋蔥, 大蒜, 辣椒炒香後, 放入蘑菇和花椰菜拌炒, 待食材稍微軟化後倒入番茄罐頭。Heat the pan with Garlic Butter and then toss in Onion/ Garlic/ Chill/ Mushroom/ Cauliflower, cook until soften. Then pull in the Tomato Can.

3.)等醬汁稍微滾了後, 放入撕好的火雞腿肉。Bring the sause to slightly boil, then toss in the teared Turkey.

4.) 放入鹽/黑胡椒/ 羅勒(乾燥的也可以)調味。Seasoning with some salt/ pepper and basil (dry herb would do too).




5.) 烤盤要先抹上黃油。Butter your baking plate.

6.) 把三分之一的煮熟義大利麵與些許醬汁在烤盤裡攪拌均勻。Mix 1/3 pasta with some sauce in your baking plate.

7.)鋪上第一層芝士。1st layer of Cheese.

8.) 重複意大利面+醬汁+芝士的步驟, 用厚厚的一層芝士收尾。Repeat Pasta+Sauce+Cheese. Ended with thick layer off Cheese.

9.) 鋪上鋁箔紙, 記得在上面劃幾刀, 然後放進220度的烤箱烤15-20分鐘。Cover with foil, don't forget to make some cut on foil. Then bake it with 220 degree/ 15-20 mins.

Vola~很簡單吧!我那天用了一個半小時完成了這兩道料理(一大鍋咖喱+兩大盤焗烤麵), 然後分享給聖誕沒吃到火雞的好友們, 兩天就都吃光光了:)如果你有更簡單的火雞食譜也請來跟我分享呦!Vola~aren't they easy-peasy to make! I made them within 1 and half hours that night (one pot of curry +two big plate of pasta bake) and shared it with couple of friend who didn't have turkey on X'mas. They were GONE in 2 day : ) Well, if you have easier recipe, please do share with lazy me.


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