Wednesday 4 December 2013

Where。London ||The Flower-Tale,Columbia Rd||


Columbia Road靠近東倫敦Shoreditch, 是倫敦當地熱門的花卉市集。

Columbia Road, near Shoreditch, is popular for weekend Flower market.


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冬天真的來了!! 伴著上海灰灰灰灰的天空還有讓人無法呼吸的霾...(發抖)翻開相簿看看在倫敦旅行時的照片(請客官們耐心待我細細編輯這些還沒結束的倫敦/歐洲之行圖文呀)不僅僅這些鮮艷美麗的顏色讓我頓時感到點溫暖, 還有那些抱著花束的人們臉上的笑容讓我也跟著露出了微笑。現場的樂團表演(Brooke Sharkey, 他們真的好聽!快去google或百度一下),可愛的杯子蛋糕姑娘, 看起來令人垂涎三尺的三明治店, 跟沿路好多好多生活雜貨/飾品店家---這就是我喜歡的夢幻假日市集。令人難忘的愉悅週末氛圍, 讓人體驗到當地倫敦人對生活中”美“的追求:就是讓周圍的事物都賞心悅目。喔! 不能忘記介紹這兩家店:Ryantown 還有 Jessie and Buddug The ShopRob Ryan是一位十分有名的剪紙藝術家, 幽默又充滿童趣的剪紙在他的店裡能買到印在布上的或是瓷磚上, 是推薦的藝術蒐藏。Jessie Chorley這位設計師則是在J&B店裡販賣自己的手工卡片, 搪瓷項鍊還有手工刺繡(作品裡都有溫馨勵志的小段文字)。她的作品都很有治愈效果的舒服, 雖然當時店裡擠滿了人, 但卻還是讓人有家的那種平靜舒適感。


Winter is really here, with greyyyyy sky and horrible air in Shanghai, I flip through my album and see those colorful pictures I took when I was in London (please bare with me that I still have quite a lot unedited Europe trip posts, so to be continued). Not just the colours that cheers me up, but look at the flowers and the joy on people's face while holding a bouquet makes me smile too. Live band ( Brooke Sharkey, google them, they are real good), lovely cup cake girl alone, looking yummy sandwich shop, and with so many decoration/lifestyle shops on the street---just the way I like a market to be. Amazing atmosphere for a weekend to experience how local Londoner treat life beautifully by arranging things around them to be pleasant. Oh! must mention there are two particular shops that I love: Ryantown and Jessie and Buddug The Shop. Rob Ryan is a famous artist known by his delicate paper craft works, in his shop you can find his works on paper, fabric, tiles….all other medias. I had a lot of fun when I was wondering in Jessie and Buddug The Shop. Jessie Chorley, the designer makes those handmade cards, necklace and embroideries with words that comforts my heart. All the works are very cozy and soothing even when the shop was packed with people, I still found a bit of calmness.

May those cheerful images brights up your week!!


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