Wednesday 25 December 2013

Xmas。|| A Cozy Merry Xmas How To ||


火雞吃了嗎?禮物拆了嗎?今天是聖誕節耶~上週給了滿滿的聖誕靈感, 這周來分享今年的聖誕的moments還有手把手教你們怎麼辦一個簡單又溫馨的小趴踢。

Have you had your turkey? and got the presents you want? IT'S CHRISTMAS TODAY!! Last week I share some Xmas inspirations, hope it helps you to set up your party. This week I got another theme to share, and I am also going to show you this How-to, step by step for a cozy little Xmas Party.



都說是小趴了, 當然就不勞師動眾的下廚準備, 在大城市的好處就是“方便”!只要提前3-5天預訂, 有專業的大廚準備好送到你家。I did mention its a small party, so there is no bother to prepare a feast yourself. After all we live in a Big city, everything could happen with a phone call (make it 3-5 day in advance) and the feast will ring the bell.

--->火雞大餐是在 ‘嘉里肉食店, 上海浦東嘉里大酒店' 訂的。The turkey was ordered from ‘The BLOCK’ at Kerry Hotel Pudong in Shanghai. 蛋糕則是在‘闇黑紀元’訂的五分熟巧克力蛋糕。The Chocolate Cake was ordered from‘ Water Black Workshop’.



吃的都訂好了, 當然少不了一點聖誕裝飾。記得在上一篇寫到可愛的小牡丹們嗎?她們不只是只有粉紅色, 她還有橘色黃色跟白色, 這三個顏色讓我覺得更適合放在聖誕餐桌上, 配上燭光更顯溫馨。說到蠟燭, 這次自己DIY了浪漫的燭台(靈感來自這裡)。用的只是罐頭的玻璃瓶, 然後一些蕾絲與緞帶, 加上銀色細線纏繞在玻璃瓶上面做成的, 很簡單吧! 讓溫暖的燭光透過蕾絲照出來感覺好浪漫喔!  So food are all set, all we need on the table now is some lovely decorations. Remember the beautiful peonies I meantioned on last post? Well, it doesn't come just in Pink, it also come with Orange/ Yellow/ White and many more colors. Here I think those three colors are perfect for a cozy party with a warm candle light. Mentioned about candles, I made those super easy candle stand (learned from here)  by using some jars and wrap them with laces and ribbons ,firm them with silver thread. The light come out through the laces, makes the night even more romantic !!



很多人應該跟我一樣到最後一秒居然忘記最重要的東西: 有聖誕氣息的包裝紙!(用力拍腦門)但好險我平常就有這一大卷牛皮包裝紙(這個東西超好用! )找來了塊有花色的碎布(不要的衣服有好看的花色也可以剪來用)還有一些配色緞帶, 跟著靈感圖有模有樣的包好了打個結, 再插上一兩朵小花。哇! 這真的比只用聖誕包裝紙包出來的還有節日氣氛耶哈哈!! I think there are few people like me, who forget something very important at the very end…The Xmas Wrapping Paper!! (OMG) However, I am very glad I always have these brown packing paper (everyone should have them, they are brilliant in so many ways) and got myself a piece fabric that has nice pattern on (if you have some clothes you don't want, which has nice patterns on, you can cut it off) and some lovely matching color ribbons. According to my inspiration picture, wrap the whole thing up and add some nice little peonies…Vola! it looks even better than the boring Xmas wrapping paper! (proud)



 不管是什麼派對, 一定都要有美酒 (18歲以上的派對)但在聖誕派對上一定要來點不一樣的! 每年我們都有兩種特別的酒:‘香料熱紅酒’跟‘Pimms調酒’。做法也都很簡單, 百度google都能找到, 這裡我就不細寫啦~When its a party, there is definitely some yummy drinks involved. Every year I would make these two special drinks for my dearest friends: ‘Spiced Mulled Wine’ and ‘Pimms with fruits’. They are incredibly easy to make, you can easily got the recipes on Goggle, so I will pass this one.


今年有一首歌我沒辦法忍住不一直單曲循環下去, 就是這首She & Him唱的 "Baby it's cold outside", 快點來聽你就知道為什麼了 (眨眼)(youku點這裡)The Song this year made me hit rewind is "Baby it's cold outside" by She & Him. listen and you will know why. (wink)




整個派對最歡樂的環節就是交換禮物了!!! 這裡我無法用言語形容那天的氣氛, 只能說整個笑到嘴巴沒有合起來過...有興趣的可以到yoube看看那天的歡樂混亂場面。The fun part of the whole party is definitly the EXCHGING GIFTS! I can not describe how crazy it went, all we did was laugh out loud ALL NIGHT. If you are interested to know, here is a youtube clip for you to check out!


Here I must say again to you all…MERRY CHRISTMAS MY LOVELY LOVELY READERS!!

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