Monday 6 August 2012

yumm。|| Very berry English trifle ||

I used to have this dessert nearly every day back in the uk. I think it's a perfect dessert for girls party like I had last Friday. I asked a friend to "tell" me the recipe. It sounds easy, and it was really easy pisy to make.

以前在英國的時候,這是一個我幾乎天天吃的甜點, 而我深深覺得對於一個都是女生的派對來說是個再適合不過的甜點。我憑著記憶和朋友的口頭敘述發現其實不只聽起來簡單, 做起來也十分簡單輕鬆。

---Recipe for Very Berry English Trifle---

a pack of berries/ a pack or a tin of custard/ double cream/ icing sugar/ sponge cake.

1. put the berries and about one tea cup of icing sugar in a pan and DO NOT ADD WATER. Cook for about 20-30 mins and KEEP STIRRING. When you see it looks like the texture of jam, stop, turn the heat off and cool it down on the side.

2. Put the double cream in a big bow, add half tea cup of icing sugar and then start to whip the cream until its thickening.

3. put the sponge cake at the bottom of your container, then put the jam on top of it, and then the custard, finally the cream. Put some berries on top of them all to decorate it, then put it in the fridge for at least 12 hours.


---英式野莓 trifle---

一盒莓果/ 奶油凍/ 雙倍奶油/ 極細砂糖/ 海綿蛋糕

1. 把買來的野莓放進鍋子裡, 加入大約一個下午茶杯的糖加熱煮爛, 千萬不要加水。大約要煮20-30分鐘, 而且要一直攪拌 (糖分隨時可以試吃調整)一直到水分吸乾有果醬的質地後關火, 旁邊放涼。

2. 把雙倍奶油跟半個下午茶杯的糖放進大盆子裡攪拌, 一直到奶油打發有一點點硬為止。

3.在容器最底下鋪上買來的海綿蛋糕, 然後塗上果醬在疊上奶油凍, 鋪上打發的奶油。最後在最上面放上幾粒莓果做裝飾。放進冰箱大約12小時。

4. 盡情享用!


images via eileen's instagram
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  1. Thanks for sharing the recipe !

  2. please do try it and share your dish with me~


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