Sunday 19 August 2012

yumm。|| Sunday Brunch Tortilla ||

These brunchy like food is my favourite, eg heavy english breakfast, panini, omelette...I can have it anytime during the day. it's light and satisfactory.

我很喜歡這種早午餐的食物, 像是英式早餐, 帕尼尼, 法式蛋捲...等等, 我甚至可以當晚餐吃因為吃起來沒負擔還可以很滿足。

The cookbook I bought in Taiwan, has so many recipe that most of them you can find on the menu of  local cafes. This one I have made is Tortilla, very simple but still really tasty.

我在台灣買到的一本食譜, 裡面都是你可以在咖啡廳裡找到的輕食, 而這次我嘗試的西班牙Tortilla則是做起來簡單又美味的一道早午餐。

—Recipe for Potato Tortilla—

A flat pan that has 20cm width.


Potato x 1/ onion x 1/ egg x 5/ milk/ parmesan cheese/ sugar/ olive oil/ salt/ pepper

馬鈴薯一顆/ 洋蔥一顆/ 雞蛋五個/ 牛奶少許/ 帕碼森起司少許/ 糖/ 橄欖油/ 鹽/ 胡椒

Peal the potato, cut it into slices, each one 0.5 cm thick. Also cut the onion into slices.

把馬鈴薯削好皮, 切成厚0.5cm的薄片。洋蔥也切成絲。

Crack 5 eggs in a bowl and than add 2 spoons of milk, some parmesan cheese, pinch of salt, sugar and pepper. Then mix them well.

準備一個碗, 把五顆蛋打進去, 加入牛奶兩匙, 一點點起司, 一點點鹽跟糖, 還有胡椒。攪拌均勻。

Heat the pan, add drops of olive oil. Put the onion slices in and cook it until its soft. Then put fellowing ingredients in order. The egg mixture--->onion--->Potato---> rest of the egg mixture. Then put the lid on and cook it low heat for about 7-8 mins.

把橄欖油加到平底鍋中, 先將洋蔥炒到透明。然後將下列材料依順續放入鍋中, 蛋汁--->洋蔥--->馬鈴薯--->蛋汁。擺好後蓋上鍋蓋小火煮7-8分鐘。

Nicely cut like cake slice, and had salad or fruits on the side of the plate. Oh don't forget ketchup and mustard.


煮好後像切蛋糕一樣小心翼翼的切一塊放盤子上, 可以加沙拉或是水果在旁邊, 喔!記得放點番茄醬跟黃芥末醬!然後就能...


image via eileen's instagram 
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  1. Can I have the name of that cookbook ?

  2. Thank you so much for your information .


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