Monday 25 March 2013

pieces。|| detox your life。 FEB. 春. 2013 ||



今年我新希望最大的目標就是進行“排毒”, 找回沒有負擔的健康。在上海天氣稍微回暖一點後, 帶上妹妹報名上瑜珈課。除此之外也開始進行我的“健康飲食計畫”。我的重點並不是在減肥, 而是專注在:每天確保吃5種蔬果, 多喝水, 吃維他命補充營養。5種蔬果聽起來好像是很多, 但是其實只要早上起來一杯果昔(我最常做的是香蕉草莓+優酪乳果昔)每餐確保有1-2種蔬菜 (炒菜或水煮都可以)下午再吃點水果, 這樣就達到目標了。我不刻意節食, 但一定不吃辣跟炸...等刺激食物, 還有用堅果代替零食, 但如果嘴饞, 就控制自己只吃一口, 嘗到味道就收手。(這招對我來說只在上海控制的了, 回台灣就非常容易破功, 哈哈)運動加上健康飲食, 實行一個月下來後, 每天感覺身體比較輕盈, 精神好之外, 練瑜珈也幫助我放鬆壓力。尤其是YIN YOGA, 練習腹式呼吸幫助定心, 拉通全身經絡, 做完晚上超好睡!

This year my biggest goal is "DETOX", trying to be more natural and healthier. While the weather in Shanghai is getting a bit warmer, my sister and I started our yoga sessions. Also, I started my "Five a Day" diet. My aim is not about loosing weight, it's more about having FIVE different vegs and fruits per day, drink lots of waters and take vitamins. Five a day, sounds a bit much, but actually what you do is having a smoothy in the morning (normally I have strawberry+banana+yogurt) and make sure you have your 1-2 kind of veg in each meal, and then have some fruits in the afternoon. Don't think about any junk food or anything heavier, but if you can't help it, give it a bite, tell yourself you had it and then let go. Healthy food and good exercise, help me feel lighter and fresher. Especially doing YIN YOGA, which taught me how to do abdominal breathing, helps me calm. Also starching my whole body makes me sleep very well at night!

其實除了身體的排毒, 我發現隨之而來的就是心靈的放鬆。其實心理與身理的排毒是環環相扣的, 會讓人更加感激身邊的一切, 關注細節和與大自然間的互動。所以在排毒後, 讓健康放鬆的身心, 去好好享受這百花綻放的春天吧!

I believe detox is not only for the body, but also for the mind as well. Once your mind is cleaner, you tent to focus more on the details and the naturals, helps you calm and under control. So develop your own DETOX PLAN, and enjoy this blooming spring with your refreshing body!



images via eileen's instagram
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