Monday 18 March 2013

vola! outfit。|| The Hat ||

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如果你是我的朋友家人, 或讀過我部落格的讀者, 應該不難看出我很喜歡春秋天的陽光, 喜歡在這種天氣出去散步。今年的我, 把‘排毒’當作一個大目標在執行, 從大量的運動, 改善飲食習慣, 到盡量保持素顏。最後一項是最難的, 因為我有很嚴重的痘痘問題(這也是為什麼今年要下定決心排毒的最大原因)我都會上妝遮瑕後才放心出門, 但這其實完全惡化了我的痘痘肌, 讓它無法呼吸。但沒化妝出門就像沒穿衣服一樣沒安全感...所以那天我就帶上了帽子。1. 保護我的皮膚不在太陽下曝曬。2. 給我那輕鬆的裝扮加上一點點時髦的點綴。帶上這頂帽子的我就像有了一層保護, 走在街上變得比較能抬頭挺胸了。所以女孩們, 如果你有像我這樣的沮喪日, 與其帶上遮掩的面具, 不如帶上帽子出門吧~

It's spring, and the sun came out (only for one day in shanghai tho) if you are my friends, family or have fellowed me for a while, u while know how much i LOVE the sun in spring. This year, I have decided to have a detox year with exercise, healthy eating and most importantly...less make up. I have this problem with my acne, so I used to wear make up all the time to cover them up. As u can guess, it only makes it worse. However, it's kinda like being naked for me to not wearing make up at that day, I put on a HAT: 1. to protect my fragile face from the sun. 2. add a bit style to my chic-easy-outfit. I was up with confident again. So for girls who have their "down days", put on a hat, then a fussy mask.


HAT---Topshop。(不想對其它單品標注, 因為今天的重點是帽子。dont want to tag other items, cos today just want to focus on the hat)


還有如果你好奇那天我和Trista去了哪裡閒逛, 我在這裡推薦來上海的朋友們到“安福路”這附近走走, 這裡因為在法租界裡, 所以會給人有種走在歐洲小巷裡的錯覺, 只是更多了點懷舊的感覺。這裡還有三家店推薦大家去逛逛...

just in case you are curious where I was wondering around with Trista that sunny day...We went to AnFuRd in shanghai, where has the illusion of the street in europe but with a bit more nostalgia style. Here are three shops that I want to recommend.

--->,就像我之前介紹過的, 這家店裡面賣的都是來自世界各地的獨立設計師的商品, 如果你在找獨特但有品味的時尚單品, 來這家逛逛一定會有不少收穫。As I have introduce before, this shop gathered unique fashion styles from the independent designers all over the world. If you are looking for something special, here is the place.

--->Lolo love vintage,這是一家感覺很有魔力的古著店, 裡面的擺設跟商品風格都有點愛莉絲夢遊仙境的感覺, 讓人有時光交錯的錯覺。a magic shop that content well selected vintage pieces and the "alice wonderland" like display makes you feel like you are in a nostalgia museum.

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--->Sunflour,這家的早午餐好大份也好好吃!除此之外還有一大桌的麵包蛋糕可以選, 讓你吃飽飽有力氣閒逛法租界。yum yum yum brunch that give you the energy to wondering all day in this beautiful French Concession.




Thanks for reading. xxx

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