Sunday 13 January 2013

#11 the happiness project || Keep Calm and 2013 is ON ||

blog 20130112-3

Now we are safely passed 2012, I guess put the " KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON" sign out is better then ever. I am so observed with this poster, I even bought a calendar that has so many "keep calm and....." for each month. {my favourite one would be NOV---keep calm and put the kettle on ) So I guess I will have my 2013 as the KCaCO year : )

我們終於安全的渡過了2012, 我覺得現在很適合把 " KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON" 的精神拿出來~認識我的人都知道我有多愛這個標語, 我甚至還買了一個2013的日曆讓我可以每個月都有個"keep calm and....."的主題哈哈。(其中我最喜歡的是11月的keep calm and put the kettle on, 保持冷靜泡杯茶吧!)

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I like organiser very much, I can not live without it seriously. Since I start working, I need two organiser, one for work one for everyday life. (read here for my moleskins happiness)   This year, I found this incredible organiser from AFTERNOON TEA, A5 size, with so many handy goodies. Like name card sleeves and additional notebook that I can use for meeting.

再來就是每年都不能少的行事曆, 我真的沒辦法沒有它在我身邊。而且自從工作後我就堅持要有兩個, 一個工作專用, 一個私人專用的moleskins。(衍生閱讀以前寫過的moleskins happiness project) 今年工作專用的我選了AFTERNOON TEA的, A5的尺寸加上後面附上的名片透明小袋還有活動筆記本, 整個就是功能強大的工作好幫手!

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2012 has been a big achievement for my life: 1. got a job in Shanghai 2. Start Com'on Eileen's new website 3. Having Com'on Eileen's facebook page....etc that fulfilled my life and makes it more exciting than ever. The other day when I was in my office collecting beautiful images for new season's design, I realise what can be more satisfied when you can do the job that is exactly what you have dream of and enjoying in it? I guess all the hard work I have done to prove my profession have pulled off and the supports I've got from my family also encouraged me a lot. So in 2013 is more about CARRY ON and maybe get myself a nice romance haha (shy)

2012對我來說是個很重要的里程碑。1. 找了一份定居上海的工作 2. 開始了Com'on Eileen的新網站 3. 有了Com'on Eileen的專屬臉書粉絲頁面....等等一些讓我的生活好忙碌也好充實。有一天我在辦公室裡蒐集新一季企劃用的圖片, 忽然一股感謝的暖流湧上心頭, 覺得自己好幸福, 可以做自己有興趣的工作謀生, 有多少人可以這麼幸運?我猜之前努力的堅持還有證明自己的專業水平是關鍵, 還有家人的支持和鼓勵是動力來源~所以2013年我更要CARRY ON下去!可能也需要開始給自己找一段浪漫豔遇了哈哈(拍謝)

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cover image via the coveteur.
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