Saturday 19 January 2013

where。|| VVG THINKING, Taipei ||


Recently, I am pretty much into those CONCEPT stores, such as Opening Ceremony and Collette...etc. It not only the products they selling in the store, but the atmosphere it creates and along with the stories behind it. VVG THINKING is in a pretty hit area called "HUASHAN creative park" in Taipei. In the second floor of the store, all the books, ceramics, toys and clothes are there waiting for you to pick up and take a look. if you want to sit down and enjoy yourself in the vintage space, there is a cafe on the first floor for you. When you are on the stair case, it's hardly to miss a giant metallic wings swinging on top of you, which for me is whispering....GO ON AND OPEN YOUR WINGS TO DREAM.  That's how I like to explode new shop/space, so I get to heard the little whispering. (from the shop or inside of me?!)

PS. When I was in the park with my mom in that afternoon, she kept rushing me to go home so she can prep for dinner, but once she step in the shop, its all peaceful and quite and made her exploring and had tea with me in the end! See how the magic  works right?

這幾年我很迷那種“概念買手店” 就像美國的Opening Ceremony 還有法國的Collette這種的。這種店吸引我的不僅僅是它賣的獨特又有意思的產品, 還有整個店裡散發出的氛圍跟所有東西背後的含義與故事。VVG THINKING (中國大陸的朋友請看這裡就是我在台北華山文化園區發現的另一個新天地。在二樓可以看到從世界各地蒐集來的書, 陶瓷. 玩具, 日用品等等雜貨供人翻閱拿起來把玩觀賞; 如果你想悠閒的待在這個空間裡, 一樓還有提供咖啡廳讓你好好沈浸於其中。在走上樓的樓梯頂端很難不看見一個巨大的機器翅膀揮舞著, 看著它感覺像有個聲音小小聲的說:展翅夢想吧。(不知道是我太習慣自言自語還是真的每次去到喜歡的空間/ 店鋪都可以聽見這種小聲的呢喃, 哈哈)

備註:那天世帶著我媽去散步的, 在園區內她一直催我說他要趕回家煮晚餐, 但當我們踏進這家店後她居然也安安靜靜慢慢悠悠的逛了起來, 後來還答應跟我喝杯茶再回家。透鍋這個插曲更加堅定了空間所帶來的魔力和魅力了~

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