Sunday 6 May 2012

pieces。|| oh my dear friends。april.春.2012 ||

As  you  can see from my blog that how much I like to share lovely tea time,  yummy food and beautiful things that touches my heart. However, when I am having those fantastic moments, sometimes my family and my friends are with me, and that makes all the moments very special.

你們應該可以看出我很喜歡在這個部落格裡分享我最愛的午茶時光, 美食還有任何令我感動的人生小確信。雖然多半時候我喜歡一個人享受這一切, 但大多數的時光還是需要我的家人跟朋友一起讓這樣的時光顯得更珍貴更特別。

For me, a great friend is someone that fully understand you. You can be so relaxed and calm around her/him. Even it's a trip to the dentist.

對我來說, 一個超級好朋友就是個能完全讀懂我的人, 一個能讓我和他在一起時可以完全的放鬆/自在。就算是去看牙醫也不例外。哈

---Shenzhen 深圳---

You can be yourself in front of them and never worry that they would find you silly or nuts.

在他們面前你可以完完全全的做自己, 也不會讓自己覺得像呆子或瘋子一樣。

My family built the world for me, and my friends are the one who make it so interesting and amazing. Makes everywhere in the world so fun and exciting.

我的家人幫我建立了這樣一個屬於我的世界, 而我的朋友則是讓這個世界變得更好玩更豐富的人。他們讓這世界上的所有地方所有事, 變的使人興奮雀躍。

During the trip to Shenzhen, it feels like we are back in the great time of uni life. Only difference is how we are all fighting really hard with this reality world. However, we all know deep in our heart, the dreams we used to have is still inside us, waiting the hard works would make it come true.

這一次的深圳之旅, 讓我感覺好像回到以前大學的美好時光。唯一不同的是現在的我們正在努力挑戰著這個現實世界, 但我仍然可以看到, 其實在大家內心深處的那個夢想, 正在蠢蠢欲動的等著我們的成功, 等著被實現。

No matter what will be achieved, we will still be great friends that is going to amuse and comfort each others world...FOREVER.

不管以後的我們會變怎樣, 我們仍然永遠是彼此最好的依靠, 還有繼續在彼此人生裡激起不同火花的超級好朋友!


If you have those great friends that are not in the same city with you(I'm sure you must have, or who is the first friend that pop up right now in your head! ) , go get a ticket and pay a visit! or if you have heard of Skype, video chat with them! Believe me, you will get these much rewards as I did afterwards.

如果你也有這樣無敵的朋友但跟你不在一個城市, 快快買票去看他!或是用skype視訊一下, 看看彼此近況如何, 相信我, 你會像我這次旅程一樣, 收穫頗多。



images from eileen's iphone (instagram)
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  1. 那什麼時候飛回來找我們? ^^

  2. 當然一放長假就馬上飛回去!妳們也可以來看我順便來個小旅行啊哈哈


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