Thursday 10 July 2014

there。|| the vintage zoo 復古動物園市集 ||

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上海的市集真的很密集, 也五花八門的弄了好多主題。這次介紹的是上週末在1933老場房的久久動物園復古集市。(1933老場房是電影小時代的場景之一, 很眼熟吧。是以前的屠宰場改造的, 所以沒有活動的時候去是有一點點毛毛的, 但舊建築本身還是很酷)去的前一晚還大熬夜到早上看足球, 下午還是很有活力的跟girls說好, 穿上自己的動物裝扮來市集玩耍(我順便來工作一下~啊哈!有熱血少女的感覺~只是臉還是很浮腫呀!)那天我為了襯托可愛動物們, 做了一天的背景叢林。這場市集感覺比較“闔家歡樂”, 因為有好多很潮的爸爸媽媽帶著自家的“動物小寶貝”, 超級可愛!在上海的市集裡, 商品的重複性蠻高的, 所以如果讓我看到有特色有設計感的賣家我就會很興奮地想(談)認(生)識(意)。球球就是我這樣認識的, 她的品牌“綉球手作”把繡花跟銀飾結合, 用中國風的元素做出有個性復古又好搭配的飾品, 完全是我的菜!! 馬上就跟朋友交關, 一人各入手了一個戒指。大小適中的款式, 讓我那天叢林風又加了一點復古小細節。1933老場房的一樓好適合街拍, 水泥背景的建築, 讓我跟girls拍照拍得不亦樂乎, 還被街拍網站P1.com一個個抓去真的街拍, 也算是那天的小小驚喜(偷笑)

The market fair in Shanghai is going insane, so many of them during the weekend, and is getting more FUN with different themes. Last weekend was The Vintage Zoo Fair in 1933 (this place was a slaughterhouse loooong time ago, I know its a bit creepy, but the building is so cool in person! ) I was stayed all night for watching football, after a small nap in the morning, me and the girls still make it to this fun. We had a deal to dress up with animals elements, and I choose to be the jungle so I could be the lovely greeny background~As for the fair, it was more like a FAMILY FUN, cos there were kids running around and dressing like cute adorable animals with hip dad and mom. If you are a frequent fair shopper like me in shanghai, you can tell the things they sell in those market are usually repeated. So for me, if I see something new and interesting, I will def have a chi-chat with the owner (and maybe pull some business haha) That's how I know Qiu Qiu, the owner of a lovely embroidery accessory brand: Hydrangea Handmade. It has the Chinese elements, a kick of character and a bit of rusty feel. Immediately me and my friend bought two rings for both of us, and it was such a lovely vintage detail that goes well with my jungle outfit. I have to say, 1933 is brilliant for steetsnap, with the concrete background which makes everything so vivid. While I was happily taking photos with the girls, someone from, the streetsnap site,  asked for every one's photo. What a lovely surprise for such a HYPER day!!


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