Wednesday 18 June 2014

there。||CeliaB-land, 春夏繽紛民俗風派對||

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早在去年就透過同事和上季上海服裝周知道了Celia B這個品牌, 第一次看到這些設計師本人還有作品的反應是:好多花色好多針織放在身上, 這個設計師真是瘋狂的很快樂呀!上週參加了她在靜安別墅裡的工作室舉辦的夏日派對上, 一踏門口就像走進了一個繽紛樂園。Celia Bernardo, 這個品牌的設計師來自西班牙, 一看就是好玩熱情又快樂的人, 有著強大的內心才能在上海做獨立設計師, 還透過她的設計把歡樂帶給女孩兒們。Celia B的品牌特色就是由誇張印花/ 繽紛顏色還有不同質地的材料:拼布/針織/鉤針...等結合而成。這些材料與靈感都是經由長時間的旅行累積出來的文化衝擊設計。再加上摩登現代的版型, 讓Celia B不僅可以單獨穿得很有個性很有視覺衝擊, 也可以很意外地跟妳衣櫥裡簡單的單品搭出你自己的味道。是的, 我一開始也不相信所有人都可以駕馭這些獨一無二的設計, 但看看門口那個氣質出眾的女孩穿著幾乎大家都有的條紋上衣搭配Celia B的印花+螢光透明邊的裙子=好歡樂的一套夏日逛街購物派對裝扮。我後來也看中了一條牛仔拼接印度手工繡花可愛小洋裝, 緊張試穿後, 馬上愛上她。舒適的剪裁好合身!穿上身後感覺自己樂觀開朗童趣的一面在鏡子裡對自己微笑耶。(這句寫完後感覺有點驚悚哈, 但你們知道我的意思的!)

I've known the brand Celia B from my colleagues, who used to work with her and also the show Celia B had for last Shanghai Fashion Week. My first impression was: Woo, this designer knows how to put all these colors and textures all together! She must be a HAPPY person. Last week when I finally met her in person in her lovely showroom for summer gathering event in Jinan Villa, the answer was everywhere. Celia Bernardo, the designer of Celia B is from Spain and definitely a happy cheerful person who create this colorful wonderland to bring joy to people through her smile, her work and the cultural experience around the world. A signature look of Celia B combines Color, Graphic and Texture. Patchwork (those amazing fabric that came from India/Mexico/Turkey...all over the world), knit, crochet are essential and with the twist of modern silhouette, it WOOOs me how it can be such a unique style but also fits in every girl's wardrobe. For example, the girl at the front door wearing simple strip top with Celia's graphic+plastic full skirt, looks so chic and summery comfy. As for me, I did't really see myself in those fancy prints and colors (you guys know, I have more down-to-earth kinda style), until I found this denim mix with stunning embroidery front panel (from India, she told me herself) and super cute silhouette, I immediately want to try it on. When I did, I think its my perfect Celia B piece that revealed the fun/cheerful character of me.



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  1. 我今天有去看了下celia b喔 好喜歡她們的院子

  2. 最喜歡那顆穿了衣服的樹!! 下次可以一起去她那邊做客~


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