Tuesday 25 March 2014

pieces。|| Spring Break, Shanghai。春遊漫步 ||


前幾天大家都在微信微博上討論著“國際幸福日”, 大家討論著分享著自己的幸福小祕訣。其中一個提到“計劃下次旅行”, 這個我特別有共鳴。常常讀我的文章的你們應該不難猜到我為什麼喜歡這個, 因為我愛散步, 我愛在城市裡閑晃, 也愛旅遊。(這也是為什麼這個本來應該是生活時尚的部落格, 開始慢慢偏向...生活“偶爾”時尚部落格了哈哈)其實旅行不一定要出國或是到另一個城市。雖然那帶來的興奮感與滿足感會比較大, 但其實每周末, 甚至下班後來個居住城市小漫步/ 探險也可以帶來差不多的效果。尤其在春天, 微風/陽光/沿途萬物復蘇的風景更為合適。 (今年暖得比較慢, 導致上圖中的樹木還有點沒睡醒)

Couple days earlier, people are talking about this "International Happiness Day" all over Weibo and Wechat. They shared tips and experiences, and there is one special tips that really works for me---"Plan your next trip". Some my regular reader would figure out why this one in particular, cos I love wondering, walking in a city. (That's also a reason that my lifestyle/fashion blog is turning into more lifestyle less fashion blog now) Trips are not meant to be overseas, it could be locally. Spend a weekend or an hour after work, start exploring deeply in to the city you live in can be pretty fun too. Especially in Spring, while the sun is mostly out and warm, and the flowers are blooming, it's the perfect season to plan the little trip. ( please excuse my first photo, it seems the spring is still unawake cos the weather is still pretty cold this year.)


在網路上, 雜誌上看了好多關於旅遊上海的介紹, 自己還畫了ㄧ個地圖隨身帶著, 準備來漫步上海法租界。沿著烏魯木齊中路, 一路往南發現幾家喜歡的小店, 還有沿路都有好多有著歷史意義的老洋房, 就像在戶外上了一堂建築歷史課一樣。看著這些房子跟著文化的遷移, 融入現在上海的生活中, 抑或衍生出新的生活態度, 都屬於這城市的故事, 也是歷史留給我們的小確幸。

There are quite a lot of site and magazines show you how to explore Shanghai, so I draw a little map, which is based on French Concession (my favorite area of Shanghai) and ready for an afternoon Spring wondering trip. I walk alone WuLuMuQi Mid Rd, and found some fascinated shops, and alone the way, there are lots of old buildings that contained a bit of old Western style but mixed with new modern Eastern. Love this mixture of cultures/ new and old, which create a new life style, the only kind that belong to this city. A lovely leftover Happiness that's given by the great history.


老麥雜貨店---上海市烏魯木齊中路179號/ No 179, Wulumuqi Rd, Shanghai


Zen Cafe---上海市東平路7號2樓/ 2nd Floor, No. 7 Dong Ping Rd, Shanghai 


來吧! 趁著春季陽光還不這麼刺眼, 好好享受計劃下一場旅行的過程, 來個城市小春遊吧。

So Com'on! Let's enjoy planning your next trip and get ready for lovely Spring adventure while the sun is not too hot and the weather is nice and breezy.


1984 Bookstore---上海市湖南路11號/ No. 11, Hunan Rd, Shanghai. 

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  1. 偶爾真的需要讓自己有一個小出走,暫時遠離喧囂爭論,洗一洗自己的腦子,欣賞城市中不同的風景。
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. in deed, try to be "keep calm and carry on" in a big city is not always easy. appreciate your support dear.


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