Saturday 22 February 2014

where。|| 初衣食午 One Fifteen, Taipei ||


好久沒有介紹台北的小店了, 這次還是在熱鬧的東區, 在98大樓旁邊的巷子裡, 有一家會讓你像光合作用的小花一樣把你吸引進去的高雅清新的時裝買手店cafe---‘初衣食午’。

It has been a while since last time I recommended shops from Taipei. This time, is another concept buyer store located in the popular East District in Taipei, called 'One Fifteen' .

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第一次聽到這個名字, 感覺很像素食餐廳的感覺。但不是喔, 這是一家有個美麗溫室cafe的服飾店。臺北跟很多城市一樣, 時尚買手店崛起, 要在這市場中有些獨特賣點得有別出心裁的ideas. 這家店很明顯的在裝潢與擺飾中下了不少功夫。先從店裡最前面的cafe山蘭居介紹起吧。大家指定的大桌, 那天很幸運地坐到了。桌子上的洋桔梗跟桌墊的顏色融合在一起, 替斑駁的大桌帶來優雅的氣質, 配上頭頂上那些被蕾絲包裹的玻璃瓶燈飾, 整個氣氛讓人都輕聲細語了起來。(還記得之前在聖誕裝飾中教大家的蕾絲燭台嗎?)而且那天外面天氣不是很好, 一直下著毛毛細雨, 很擔心來拍照會不好看, 但是這個cafe在一個很像溫室的玻璃房內, 四周採光很好, 尤其是頭頂上的自然光! 唯一美中不足的是餐點的份量與口味, 只能說這些吃氣氛的cafe還是不要對餐點有太高的期望吧。(但餐點附贈的西式炖蛋有驚豔到我, Le creuset小鍋實在是太可愛了)

As you can see from the pictures, it has a lovely lovely cafe in the store. In a competitive city like Taipei, so many buyer/ selected shops opened in the last few years, a unique and refreshing character of the shop is needed. This store, is definitely have work hard on the decoration and the whole presentation of the store. Start from the cafe, its in the front of the store, and its like sitting in a green house, surrounded with natural lights. The big table in the middle has a beautiful bouquet and table clothes that matched with those flowers, so delicate that makes me keep my voice down and act sophisticatedly. Also the light above us is made from lace covered glasses, pretty much like the candle light stand I made for Xmas, with a good twist. The only flaw is the food, nothing fancy but pretty pricy. (but the cute Le creuset pot is the spotlight of that meal.)

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店內的裝潢走清新自然的路線, 這當然少不了花花草草的點綴。店裡面的花草真是百百款, 有插在花瓶裡的, 有懸掛在天花板上的, 還有鑲在牆上門上的。綠色粉色白色跟原木色真的好搭。顏色淡雅溫馨, 完全不會搶掉店裡商品的風采。店裡面販賣的都是台灣設計師的作品, 跟店裡的感覺一樣, 低調但很有內涵呢。試穿了幾件陳怡君 “Kotipesa”的作品, 輪廓大方, 做工精細, 穿上去發現剪裁也很厲害。如果有點小錢想要買一件有設計感的衣服, 可以來這邊試穿看看這些質感不錯的衣服, 當作投資自己的好品味。

The whole decoration is natural and refreshing with those flowers and plants. You can find them on the table, hanging on the ceiling and framed on the door. Green/Pink/ White goes very well with the colour of woods. The things sell in the store are mostly design from local Taiwanese Designer, the style are mostly chic, clean shapes but with details. I tried some pieces from a brand called, 'Kotipesa', love the silhouette, simple/ modern with very good finishing. So my suggestion is, if you have some money for some quality shopping, this is the place that can offer you a good tasteful investment for your wardrobe.


第一次很俗氣的跟“店門口”合影, 但拍出來的感覺很好呢!  哈哈

My Very First time taking photo with the ' Front Door', but it looks pretty good huh?? Haha



| 初衣 食午。One Fifteen |

台北市大安區大安路一段92號/ No 92, DaAn Rd, DaAn District, Taipei, Taiwan

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