Tuesday 6 November 2012

pieces。||the autumn story。oct.秋. 2012 ||


This autumn, fulfilled me. Surrounded with things I am passionated about: fashion/ food/ culture/ book. Things that I can't live without. Suddenly I feel grateful of my life now. If it's a book, it must contained so many colourful images than just texts. I also think Autumn is the perfect season to be calm, be cozy and think about what you have. The warm colours, a cup of hot tea and soft blanket, what a marvellous season to be graceful to everything before the pure white winter!

這個秋天, 我感到十分充實。被自己喜歡的事物圍繞是再幸福不過了事了!時尚, 美食, 文化, 書本...全在這個美麗的季節裡令我陶醉不已。最近我開始感到自己十分滿足現在的生活, 如果我的人生是一本書的話, 我相信一定是圖片大大多於文字。我也相信秋天是個十分適合反省沈思的季節, 溫暖的色調, 熱熱的茶, 柔軟的毯子...真是個平靜舒適的季節去感激現在所擁有的, 去蕪存菁自己腦袋裡的思緒, 等著迎接冬季的到來~


Eileen is wearing....TRENCH, zara。TOP, zara。SKIRT, h&m。BAG, longcharmp。BOOTS, h&m。BELT, dress code。NECKLACE, accessories。

Eileen's little sister,Trista is wearing....SWEATER, uniqlo。TROUSERS, uniqlo。NECKLACE, h&m。SHOES, converse。
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  1. 好好看哦,喜欢你的风格,加油哦

  2. awwww honey, thank you! 知道你有常常来看我就是很大的鼓励!X


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