活動很多的上海從去年開始就讓我應接不暇(這跟交對好朋友有很大關係呦哈哈)本來要在年底看的大展:草間彌生:我的一個夢, 也被我硬生生的移到了今年才去。(好險它展到三月, 大家可以慢慢來)因為DIOR大展的人擠人經驗, 我跟朋友這次就約了週末一大清早去排隊, 果真早起的鳥就是比較幸運, 只用了60分鐘就把展覽看完了。好多好多各式各樣的點點, 有的可愛有的神秘有的真的是很壯觀。點點就跟條紋一樣是印花裡經典中的經典, 加上草間彌生的無限創意與奇怪的令人驚嘆的幻覺, 讓整個展覽在上海幾乎是周周爆棚。
Shanghai has been packed with lots of exhibition and fun last year (well, that really has something to do with making a good friends with right people haha) Was planed to see Yayoi Kusama's 'A Dream I Dream' on Dec, but end up rain checked it to this Jan. (Take you time, no rush, it ends on March, 2014) Because of the experience with Dior so me and my friends decided to went early morning on this one, so luckily we can finish the whole tour within an hour without lots of queuing. It was like entering a big big collation of dots, some are adorable, some are mysterious, and most of them are spectacular indeed. Dots are like Strips are very classic patterns, but with Yayoi Kusama's extraordinary imaginations and creations, it makes the exhibition a really hit now in Shanghai.
2013/12/15- 2014/3/30
SUN-THU 10:00am-6:00pm
FRI-SAT 9:00am-7:00pm
MoCA Shanghai, 7 People’s Park, Nanjing Xilu, Huangpu District, Shanghai
都說是可圈可點的上海了, 當然看完了草間彌生的點點後吃了pizza (也是圓的!)就來靜安寺鬧區的10 CORSO COMO來看另一個從頭圈到尾的上海時尚新景點。這個從意大利來的買手概念店從建築外牆, 玻璃裝飾, 水泥地板, 茶具餐桌沙發......全部都是圓圓的圈圈。若要以風水角度來看, 的確是圓圓滿滿。初到這裡可以先到裡面逛逛前三層的精品還有四樓的迷你展覽後回到一樓用下午茶, 坐在圓桌圓椅上享用鐵壺泡出來的茶, 感受上海豐富多彩的東西方異國文化~
Already title it with "Spotty Dotty Shanghai', of course after Yayoi Kusama's exhibition and a nice pizza for lunch (another round object!) we headed to another hit spot here in Shanghai, 10 CORSO COMO, located in Jingan District. This Italian concept store has the theme of 'round' all over the building, from the wall, the glass decor, floor, the table, chair and sofa, everything. We start our tour with wondering the first 3 floors which are full of beautiful selected designer pieces, and at 4th floor, there is always a mini exhibit you can look around. Then finally go back to the first floor, where you can find a little cafe. Enjoying the tea which comes with iron tea pot, while sitting there, feel the magnificent experiences you can got between those imported eastern and western cultures, all in the city of Shanghai.
上海市南京西路1717號 會德豐國際廣場 北院
North Annex - Wheelock Square, 1717 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai
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