每年我都會為自己設下目標, 去年是“KEEP CALM and CARRY ON”。記得我說過我的皮膚一直都有痘痘問題, 去年我花很多時間去做治療, 還有開始練習瑜伽。所以今年我打算來個身體心靈大排毒。就在我思考怎麼開始的時候, 朋友就跟我分享了這個綠色排毒果菜汁食譜。
Every year, I set up a GOAL for myself to achieve, last year was "KEEP CALM and CARRY ON". As I mentioned before I have problems with my skin. Last year I had lot of treatments and started my YOGA. So this year I decided to work hard from the "inside" which would be DETOXING both my body and mind. Luckily a dear friend recommend this " Glowing Green Smoothy" to me.
1.5 杯水/ 1小球羅蔓萵苣/ 2把菠菜/ 1根芹菜/ 1個蘋果/ 1個西洋梨/ 1根香蕉/ 一點西芹跟香菜/ 半顆檸檬
食材跟做法都很簡單, 唯一需要注意的就是因為要生食, 最好買有機蔬果或是確定你有洗乾淨。(其中的香菜如果你怕味道太重也可以換成姜或只放西芹)一開始我也很難接受喝下這綠呼呼的怪東西, 但喝了第一次之後覺得很清新很舒服。感覺如果每天早上一杯會不會有神清氣爽的感覺---讓一整天從零負擔開始。(怎麼感覺在說廣告台詞哈哈)
The ingredients and process are fairly simple, all you need to be aware is the ingredients are better be organic or you have to wash it properly since we are eating them raw. (and if you are afraid of parsley and coriander, you can change to ginger) The first time I saw it, I don't feel quite comfortable drinking this greeny thing. But after I had my first cup, I felt refreshing! Especially in the morning, it could be the best waking-up and energy drink to start the day!
那天我在上瑜伽課有學到一句話, “去感受你當下的感知與情緒, 但不去做任何回應”。除了身體的排毒外, 心靈的排毒也很重要:用心去體會每個當下, 平靜地對待, 才能做出正確的選擇給出適當的情緒。人類的身體和心靈真是無比奇妙呢!
The other day when I was in my Yoga class, the instructor said, ' Feel the sensation, but without reaction.' Mind detoxing is as important as body detoxing. Feel every moment with your heart, treat it with peaceful mind, then you can make the right choice and emotion. How marvelous are our mind and body works!