Monday, 6 January 2014

corner。|| Be better than English,Be Chinglish 個性中國風的英式宅院 ||

很多人都跟我一樣著迷於英式花園還有那些美麗大宅吧(看看那些被剪成小圓球的小樹們整齊排列在門口, 我忍不住大笑原來這些東西是真的存在呀, 很搞笑但也超級可愛)但應該沒有人像我一樣專門來個“英式宅院”之旅吧!但相信我, 很出乎意料地好玩~花了我一整個下午在那裡偷拍呢哈哈 (要怪就怪我那無可救藥的英國夢吧)

Here i'm not talking about the language, ( of course we need to speak proper english) I'm talking about life style, more of style. We all love English mansions and gardens, flowers and bushes. ( I was really laugh 'hard' loud when I see the real round little trees in a row, ridiculously adorable) I guess no one will do such a tour of HOUSE when they are in London, but I found it very surprisingly FUN! ( blame to my helpless english dream, will ya?)

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好啦, 老實說其實那天是去朋友家做客, 但出了車站就馬上愛上了這個可愛又寧靜的小社區(一點都沒感覺我還在倫敦市區, 安靜也乾淨的像是在另一個郡的小村莊)我的好朋友Lin還有她老公David (都來自中國)3年前在南倫敦2區買下了這個三層樓的房子, 整修跟裝潢都是自己來。我會專門介紹她家, 是因為整個家完美融合了西式還有中式的風格, 清新優雅還不衝突。簡單的黑白基底色加上褐色與其它亮色點綴, 讓整個空間舒適有品味還有個性跟風趣(請找愛因斯坦的抱枕)。

Well, it was really a friend visiting thing, and then turn out I'm so in love with that neighborhood, quite and posh in a low-key way. ( makes me a bit confused that i'm still in London but it feels like I'm in a small village far way from the city)  My dear friend Lin and her husband David (both from China) bought this three floor semi-detached house 3 years ago and furnished it all by themselves. What I love mostly about the house is that the mix of East and West but still pretty refined and elegant. Simple black and white with touch of brown and some colors, makes the house cozy but also filled with characters, and the sense of humor (find the Einstein cushion)

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看看這個像是裝置藝術的東西, 是Lin自己DIY的!(有人相信她居然沒有藝術背景卻有著這麼好的品味?!)Dear Lin DIY this, easy, simple just like an art installation. (still can not believe she has no art background)


這對夫妻很懂得生活, 在家裡到處都看得到花呀樹啊草啊, 讓整個房子生氣勃勃外, 讓我驚艷的是那些中式傢俱與這英式風格濃厚的房子營造出來的和諧氣氛。更讓我驚訝的是, 這些都不是設計師大作, 而都來自上海的傢俱市場還有淘寶然後運來英國的!! 看吧, 人家不只有好品味還有好頭腦!!

The cute couple really does have taste in life, flowers and greens are in every corner, makes the house full of energy. And the Chinese style furnitures just blend beautifully with this English house. What surprise me is that those are not designer pieces, they are just normal furnitures bought in Chinese deco market and Taobao, then shipped to England. Turns out, behind the great taste, there is also a smart smart brain.



在二樓, (是的, 三層樓, 好多房間, 三個廁所, 一個大花園, 但只住了兩個人。允許你們忌妒他們)是他們的主臥室, 在這個太陽可以灑進來的角落有我超級喜歡的中式復古衣櫥, 鑲在裡面的花布也是出自Lin的巧思。搭配上一個很中性的皮沙發讓我想到了“陰陽”平衡, 也是我在這屋子裡最喜歡的角落。這屋子還有好多好多驚喜在各個角落, 像是好玩的燈具, 隨意放在地上的畫作, 看起來都是這麼輕鬆不做作。但誰知道這效果的背後可能是女屋主在腦袋裡思考:這要跟什麼搭配好, 是放這裡還是這裡還是那裡還是又回到這裡...這樣天人交戰的戲劇反應呢。

Second floor (yes, envy them please, they have three floors, many bedrooms, three bathrooms and a big garden all for two of them) is their master bedroom located. Love love the corner of this vintage Chinese style wardrobe with the touch of feminine fabric inside the glass (which is another diy by Lin, who is full of taste)  and the leather sofa. Great balance, remind me of Ying and Yang. Surprised continued in this house, lovely details like the fun light, the painting on the floor, she makes everything looks so causal, looks like the "effortless effect" but I bet it's definitely a lot of "where should I place this, here? here? here? or there…" drama going on in her head.


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要搬到世界的另一頭, 遠離家鄉的地方生活一定要有很大很大的勇氣, 而且這跟來讀書是完全不一樣的經歷。我嘗試過後者, 我知道其中的難處, 這讓我覺得像Lin夫妻兩這樣決定在海外定居生活的華人“真的很有勇氣”。這些都讓我嫉妒他們, 嫉妒他們的生活方式, 生活品質(一樣的錢我們這裡只能買到小公寓, 住在空氣差差差的沒個性城市)還有他們怎樣把“家鄉味”搬進來這個在海外的家。但這些嫉妒是好的, 讓我看到我們的進步空間。所以, 謝謝他們也祝福他們。

It need massive courage to live across the ocean away from your hometown, and it's very different from studying there to settling there. I have done the first one, I know how hard it could be, but I think people like Lin and her husband are way more brave, with a house and career there as foreigners. However, the tour of the house makes me envy, not only the size or the life style they got here (much much much better living quality than we all got in asia huh? considering the same price we got here…) But how well they turn this English house into a HOME that really reflect their hometown.  Bless them.



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  1. Such a lovely couple! Einstein cushion is so funny ! I do like their lifestyle and their way of seeing arts! Thank you for posting and sharing with us. Hope u could found more art stuff like this! Really enjoy it. : )

  2. Glad you enjoyed it!! We all need something to remind us to be appreciating what we can do to our lives right? and I will do my very best to share stuff like this with you :)


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