Thursday, 3 July 2014

pieces。|| Back to ZERO 回歸.原點 ||

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有一陣子看了好多有關於“整理”的書, 想要把自己的“空間”整理乾淨有序, 讓自己的心也可以隨之自在舒服。但看書歸看書, 執行則又是另一回事。尤其對有些“食之無味棄之可惜”的東西或是“有情緒”的物件感到不知所措或無奈煩惱。收到最後才發現真正要整理的其實是自己的心呀! 環境的整理跟電腦手機文件的整理又不太一樣, 太多重要的文件導致“備份”這件事情變得十分重要。而備份對於健忘/懶惰的人(--->我)來說也是一個壓力。再說, 這些需要備份的包袱如果沒有定期處理, 就會越來越重的一直跟著你。而這些不必要的物件或檔案的累積, 常常會多到讓人喘不過氣, 顯得“活在當下”這件事情難度越來越高。

There were times when I was really into "organizing" book, so I would make my outside (spaces) clean and tidy so I could feel free and comfortable inside. But making reading into action is another thing, especially when you face to face to those emotion attached items e.g. gifts/ photos/ souvenirs, make the whole thing lot more difficult. At the end you will realized that the thing needed to be clean, is your HEART. Same to the documents and Photos that are saved in your devises. Those are needed to be back up are giving people like me who is a bit lazy and forgettable lot of pressure. More back up you do, more "Life heavy packages" will be fellowing you. The whole thing is making "Live Now" theory even more difficult.


為什麼我現在會這麼多感觸是因為前天發生了一大。悲。劇。在不正當使用手機的情況下, 存在裡面的5000多張這半年來回憶的照片在一秒後全。沒。了。當時的情緒只能用無奈與失落還有震驚與氣憤來形容我這個不備份的壞習慣。但同時也讓我深深領悟到“活在當下”這句話真正的用意。不見的這些照片之所以對我來說如此珍貴是因為那些回憶, 還有當下的情緒與感覺。所以其實我想留住的正是這些“心的記憶”。在習慣了相片庫歸零的手機裡, 我意外的感到一絲舒坦。就像松浦彌太郎在<放下包袱的輕生活練習>一書中提到的一樣:

當我了解『只要在心中擁有就夠了』, 我的佔有慾就不再強烈。丟棄不必要的情緒與欲望, 留下真正需要的寶物, 才能換得輕盈又飽滿的人生。

Why I am being so sentimental is because I just recently lost all my 5000 photos in my iPhone. For a blogger like me, its like kill-me kinda of serious to lost them. I was so angry and disappoint to myself that I didn't back them up. But after the emotions gone, I finally realized the saying in a book:

When I realized that "Only embrace them in your heart is enough", my desire of possession will be weak. Throw away unnecessary emotions and desires, keep what's mostly needed treasures, then you can earn the life that's lighter and fulfilled! 

帶著歸零的心態, 無憂無慮的像照片裡的我一樣, 上街自在走跳, 展開全新的『輕鬆』人生吧!

Com'on, let's bring the Back-to-Zero heart with you, go on the street dancing with me and say HELLO to the new delighted life thats ahead of you!!


Recommend Books

放下包袱的輕生活練習 by 松浦弥太郎

怦然心動的人生整理魔法 by 近藤麻理惠

再見,向你的雜亂人生告別 by Brooks Palmer 

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