Leather Jacket : Uniqlo | Denim Shirt: UNIQLO X INES DE LA FRESSANGE | Silk Scarf: UNIQLO X INES DE LA FRESSANGE | Printed Tote Bag : KATE SPADE | Red Heels : Shiatzy Chen | Sunglasses : LONDON VINTAGE |
忽涼忽熱的上海立夏, 穿梭在街道間的最好方式就是騎單車。微風/速度/穿梭在擁擠車流中, 是忙碌中舒壓的一大享受。在上海的單車界, 來自台灣的捷安特還有上海老牌子永久, 都在跟英國復古單車取經。皮製手把配上藤籃, 墨綠色加上白色的搭配, 我的捷安特就是我春夏的心頭好。第一個禮拜挑戰在上海街頭穿梭的我, 處處小心, 除了車子還要小心突然冒出來的行人/電瓶車/自行車。一直按鈴好像都沒反應, 因為馬路上喇叭聲/鈴聲從來沒停過, 所以已經成了背景音而不是警告音。入境隨俗的我只好也開始開喊:當心!讓讓讓讓讓。喊完自己還大笑, 因為這“融入街頭”的感覺真是奇妙。
Early summer in shanghai, between hot sunny days and breezy days, the best way to travel is by BICYCLE. Wind/ speed/ no traffic, make the experience very soothing after/during the busy day. Giant from Taiwan and Forever from Shanghai are getting their hands on retro style. Leather handle/ weaving basket+ white and green retro combination=my lovely Giant is the new lover for the breezy summer. My first week on bike was pretty nervous, cos I need to watch out the pop put moto/bike/people that come from nowhere. I tried ring the bell on my bike, but it doesn't help at all, cos car horns and bells are like background sound to the shanghai street. So I end up yelling: WATCH OUT WATCH OUT MAKE A WAY. I laugh out loud right after my first yelling and then get addicted of doing it. Blend my yelling into the street background soundtrack is Great Fun.
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