Friday, 12 April 2013

where。|| Seoul, 2013, shopping philosophy ||


這次旅出差的instagram裡幾乎都是吃的跟小物, 沒有美女也沒有時尚, 請原諒我的視覺疲勞, 需要來點小清新舒緩一下。I know its all the foods and goods images. No glamorous, no pretty stylish woman. Please do forgive my visual fatigue and enjoy my comforting inspirations.


本人到目前為止去過兩次首爾都是為了公司採購...我發現自己在工作狀態中逛街會很清楚知道要買什麼, 尤其是到東大門的Doota跟明洞的Lotte這兩個會讓人得失心瘋的地方,但其實是因為手中有採購計畫跟下一季的趨勢分析...能冷靜的讓一切都在掌控之中。I have been to Seoul twice, both for shopping, for work. However I found myself very focusing when it comes to work shopping. In a place like Doota or Lotte, it gets pretty overwhelming, you just want to buy everything basically. But with the merchandising plan and the next season trend forecasting in your hands, you don't go out of control.


其中東大門的Doota誘惑最大, 因為裡面什麼都有, 幾乎所有秀場上的, 歐洲街頭有的她都有, 而且價格還算合理(不是所有都合理喔~還是要比較的)就更讓人想什麼都買什麼都要。但只要剛剛那兩樣資料在手, 就像符咒一樣能做出對的選擇, 不會亂買買錯。只是...當我有空閒時間為自己買的時候, 我慌張了...根本不知道從何下手...這種感覺很挫折, 而且有一種會亂買然後回家後悔的感覺...Especially when I was in Doota, everything are in trends, everything you saw from the catwalk or from the street in Europe you can find a knock-down here and in reasonable price (well, not all of them). With so many styles, I can still make the right choices when it comes to shop for work. However when I get the time to shop for myself, I get lost, no clue at all !!!  That was scary, cos i know it would go wrong and be the waste of money in the end.


就在我想乾脆放棄什麼都不要買之前, 冷靜了一下, 開始回想我衣櫥裡的衣服們。我想, 是不是能想像一下衣櫥裡的衣服就跟一家服裝店裡的擺設一樣, 需要去思考衣服跟衣服擺在一起的感覺, 是不是很搭還是太突兀; 是不是還缺什麼能來跟其他單品搭配。就是這樣!我慢慢感覺到我又能控制自己了!(還真是個控制狂)我慢慢能感覺並瞭解我自己的穿衣風格, 而且避免不必要的衝動購物!一舉兩得對吧~好吧, 控制狂的購物哲理寫到這邊就夠了, 希望能幫到任何跟我一樣容易失心瘋的女孩兒們!So I start to wonder...what if I visualise my closet and think that as mix and marching in the store, so I can see what fits in and what i need for highlighting this closet of mine. THERE! I start getting the feeling back in control (what a control freak ha!) This way, you can avoid the unnecessary impulse buying and actually getting to know your closet better and also your OWN style better! Well, that's enough of my shopping philosophy~Hope it can help you too!! 



images via eileen’s instagram
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